Abstract: Highly Available State in the Apache Geronimo Web-Tier. ------------------------------------------------------- High availability and scalability are becoming an increasing business requirement for the modern enterprise. This talk will look at the challenge of maintaining the high availibility of state in an open source web cluster. We will survey current open source solutions to these problems, with specific reference and comparison to Geronimo (geronimo.apache.org), Apache's J2EE Application Server project and WADI (wadi.codehaus.org), its web clustering component. We will discuss in detail issues such as HttpSession affinity, bleeding, what it means to be a 'distributed' web application, the semantics of the HttpSession event model in a 'distributed' deployment, the semantics of object reference within a 'distributed' HttpSession, session passivation, activation, eviction, migration and replication (a number of strategies) and finally self-organising and self-healing clusters. Attendees --------- To derive maximum benefit from this BOF, the attendee should have a good grasp of what an HttpSession is, what it looks like and what it is used for. Knowledge about HttpRequest/Response and the use of Cookies / URL parameters to mark session identity will also be helpful. Summary --------- The BOF will use slides and demonstrations to illustrate the issues surrounding maintaining the high availibility of web state within a J2EE cluster. The goal of the session is that attendees will leave with a thorough understanding of the issues surrounding clustering a stateful web-application, and a strong grasp of the technologies available to them within the open source arena. Bio: ---- Jules Gosnell is a Core Developers Network partner, founding Apache Geronimo committer and PMC member. He has been writing open source for a number of years and using it for a long time previous to that. Further years of experience working for financial institutions in the J2EE arena have given him a solid grasp of exactly what he needs from a J2EE Application Server and his work in and around Geronimo is an effort to attain that goal.... Address: -------- 2, Tannery Cottages Tannery Lane Bramley Surrey GU5 0AB U.K. +1483-898348