
The Apache TSIK is an incubation subproject of the Apache Web Services Project to develop a Java class library for implementations of various W3C and OASIS specifications related to XML and Web services security. 

For more information on current APIs and usage patterns, check out the javadoc TSIK API.


TSIK was originally developed as closed source by VeriSign over a period of five years before being opened up and incubated at Apache in August, 2005. TSIK today is comercially used in several software products and appliances. 

Comparison to WSS4J

Apache currently have another project, WSS4J, that implements WS-Security 1.0 from OASIS Web Services Security TC.

WSS4J's functionality overlaps TSIK's, but there are some differences. WSS4J uses Apache Axis as SOAP engine, and builds on the Apache XML-Security project. TSIK contains its own XML security engine as well as its own SOAP stack implementation.


The roadmap describes current thoughts on where TISK should go.

Incubation Disclaimer

The Apache TSIK  project is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). As such, it is not yet a full ASF project.  While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.

The initial proposal for Apache TSIK is here.

Mailing lists

There is a TSIK developer mailing list set up. Please join in to discusss current implementation and future direction of TSIK. 

  • The list is at <>
  • To subscribe to the list, send a message to: <>
  • Send mail to the following for info: <>

Hans Granqvist <org.apache@hans>

Last updated: $Id: index.html 233059 2005-08-16 21:37:21Z hans $