# # Sample input # Client 1 Requests = 320 count sum # Client 1 Cumulative rate = 16.00 op/sec sum # Client 1 Cumulative Byte Throughput = 157185.73 Bps sum # Client 1 Bytes requested per req = 9755.87 byte ave Requests # Client 1 Average Round-trip = 8161.02 msec ave Requests # Client 1 Maximum Round-trip = 14509 msec max # Client 1 Minimum Round-trip = 7253 msec min # Client 1 Transactions with Round-trip above 1000 = 320 count sum BEGIN { metric_count = 0; ok = 1; } /^Client.*=/{ machine_id = $2; if (machine_id >= number_of_machines) { printf "Aborting: client id (%d) >= number_of_machines (%d): '%s'\n", machine_id, number_of_machines, $0; ok = 0; exit(-1); } # build up metric string metric = $3; for (i = 4; i <= NF; i++) { if ($i == "=") break; metric = metric " " $i; } if (i >= NF) { printf "Aborting: Couldn't find '=' sign in line '%s'\n", $0; ok = 0; exit(-1); } i++ value = $i; # find metric in current list and add if not already there for (j = 0; j < metric_count; j++) { if (metric == metrics[j]) break; } metric_index = j; if (j == metric_count) { # new metric metric_index = metric_count++; metrics[metric_index] = metric; # get unit, op, op_arg fields i++; unit = $i; i++; op = $i; i++; # check combiner if ((op != "min") && (op != "max") && (op != "sum") && (op != "ave")) { printf "Aborting: unknown combiner '%s' in line '%s'\n", op, $0; ok = 0; exit(-1); } # get optional argument for combiner op_arg_str = $i; while (++i <= NF) { op_arg_str = op_arg_str " " $i; } # convert op_arg_str to metric index (make sure op_arg is a known metric) op_arg = -1; if (op_arg_str != "") { for (k = 0; k < metric_count; k++) { if (metrics[k] == op_arg_str) op_arg = k; } if (op_arg < 0) { printf "Aborting: Unknown combiner argument '%s' in line '%s'\n", op_arg_str, $0; ok = 0; exit(-1); } } # store metric, units, combiner for this metric units[metric_index] = unit; ops[metric_index] = op; op_args[metric_index] = op_arg; } # compute index for storing fields mapped_index = metric_index * number_of_machines + machine_id; if (flags[mapped_index] == 1) { printf "Aborting: duplicate record '%s'\n", $0; ok = 0; exit -1; } # values[mapped_index] = value; flags[mapped_index] = 1; } END { nclients = split(client_names, clients, ","); if (ok) { if (excel == 1) { printf "%s,", "Metric"; } else { printf "%30s ", "Metric"; } for (i = 0; i < number_of_machines; i++) { # printf "Client %1d", i; printf "%8s", substr(clients[i+1], 1, 8); if (excel == 1) { printf ","; } else { printf " "; } } if (excel == 1) { printf "%s,%s,%s(%s)\n", "combined", "units", "combiner", "weight"; } else { printf "| %9s | %8s %10s(%s)\n", "combined", "units", "combiner", "weight"; printf "_\n"; } for (j = 0; j < metric_count; j++) { if (excel == 1) { printf "%s,", metrics[j]; } else { printf "%30s = ", metrics[j]; } found = 0; for (i = 0; i < number_of_machines; i++) { mapped_index = j * number_of_machines + i; value = values[mapped_index]; if (flags[mapped_index] == 1) { if (excel == 1) { printf "%.0lf,", value; } else { printf "%9.0lf", value; } if (ops[j] == "ave") { mapped_index = op_args[j] * number_of_machines + i; weight = values[mapped_index]; } else { weight = 1; } if (found != 1) { combined = value * weight; found = 1; total = weight; } else { if (ops[j] == "sum") { combined += value; } else if (ops[j] == "max") { if (value > combined) combined = value; } else if (ops[j] == "min") { if (value < combined) combined = value; } else if (ops[j] == "ave") { combined += value * weight; total += weight; } } } else { if (excel == 1) { printf "%s,", "****"; } else { printf "%9s", "****"; } } } if (ops[j] == "ave") { if (total == 0) { combined = 0; } else { combined /= total; } } if (excel == 1) { # printf ","; } else { printf " | "; } if (excel == 1) { printf "%.0lf,%s,%s", combined, units[j], ops[j]; } else { printf "%9.0lf | %8s %10s", combined, units[j], ops[j]; } if (op_args[j] >= 0) { printf "(%s)", metrics[op_args[j]]; } printf "\n"; } } }