dnl @synopsis AX_THRIFT_GEN(SHORT_LANGUAGE, LONG_LANGUAGE, DEFAULT) dnl @synopsis AX_THRIFT_LIB(SHORT_LANGUAGE, LONG_LANGUAGE, DEFAULT) dnl dnl Allow a particular language generator to be disabled. dnl Allow a particular language library to be disabled. dnl dnl These macros have poor error handling and are poorly documented. dnl They are intended only for internal use by the Thrift compiler. dnl dnl @author David Reiss dnl @version 2008-02-20 dnl @license AllPermissive AC_DEFUN([AX_THRIFT_GEN], [ AC_ARG_ENABLE([gen-$1], AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-gen-$1], [enable the $2 compiler @<:@default=$3@:>@]), [ax_thrift_gen_$1="$enableval"], [ax_thrift_gen_$1=$3] ) dnl I'd like to run the AM_CONDITIONAL here, but automake likes dnl all AM_CONDITIONALs to be nice and explicit in configure.ac. dnl AM_CONDITIONAL([THRIFT_GEN_$1], [test "$ax_thrift_gen_$1" = "yes"]) ]) AC_DEFUN([AX_THRIFT_LIB], [ AC_ARG_WITH($1, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-$1], [build the $2 library @<:@default=$3@:>@]), [with_$1="$withval"], [with_$1=$3] ) dnl What we do here is going to vary from library to library, dnl so we can't really generalize (yet!). ])