# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. [Security] authAndEncrypt = False [AccessClusterManager] #If username and password are left empty, user will be prompted for username and password on the command line. username = clustermanagerusername password = clustermanagerpassword [AccessNodeManager] #If username and password are left empty, user will be prompted for username and password on the command line. username = nodemanagerusername password = nodemanagerpassword [AllowedUsers] nodeManagerUser = nodemanagerusername nodeManagerPassword = nodemanagerpassword agentUser = agent agentPassword = agent clusterManagerUser = clustermanagerusername clusterManagerPassword = clustermanagerpassword # ClusterManager portion [ClusterManager] service = tashi.clustermanager.ClusterManagerService data = tashi.clustermanager.data.GetentOverride dfs = tashi.dfs.Vfs publisher = tashi.messaging.GangliaPublisher nodeManagerPort = 9883 [ClusterManagerService] # Clustermanager hostname host = localhost convertExceptions = True port = 9882 expireHostTime = 30.0 allowDecayed = 30.0 allowMismatchedVersions = False maxMemory = 8192 maxCores = 8 defaultNetwork = 0 allowDuplicateNames = False ;accountingHost = clustermanager ;accountingPort = 2228 [GetentOverride] baseData = tashi.clustermanager.data.Pickled fetchThreshold = 60.0 [LdapOverride] baseData = tashi.clustermanager.data.Pickled fetchThreshold = 3600.0 nameKey = sAMAccountName idKey = msSFU30UidNumber ldapCommand = ldapsearch -x -w password -h host -b searchbase -D binddn msSFU30LoginShell=* -z 0 [FromConfig] #hostlist = /one/host/per/line host1 = Host(d={'id':1,'name':'blade043'}) host2 = Host(d={'id':2,'name':'blade044'}) host3 = Host(d={'id':3,'name':'blade045'}) host4 = Host(d={'id':4,'name':'blade074'}) machineType1 = MachineType(d={'id':1,'name':'1c-512m','memory':512,'cores':1}) network1 = Network(d={'id':1,'name':'global'}) network2 = Network(d={'id':2,'name':'NAT'}) user1 = User(d={'id':1,'name':'mryan3'}) [Pickled] file = /var/tmp/cm.dat [SQL] #uri = sqlite:///var/tmp/cm_sqlite.dat uri = mysql://root@clustermanager/tashi password = changeme # Accounting portion [Accounting] publisher = tashi.messaging.GangliaPublisher # NodeManger portion [NodeManager] dfs = tashi.dfs.Vfs vmm = tashi.nodemanager.vmcontrol.Qemu #vmm = tashi.nodemanager.vmcontrol.XenPV service = tashi.nodemanager.NodeManagerService publisher = tashi.messaging.GangliaPublisher [NodeManagerService] convertExceptions = True port = 9883 registerHost = False registerFrequency = 10.0 # Clustermanger hostname clusterManagerHost = localhost clusterManagerPort = 9882 statsInterval = 0.0 [Qemu] qemuBin = /usr/bin/kvm pollDelay = 1.0 migrationRetries = 10 monitorTimeout = 60.0 migrateTimeout = 300.0 maxParallelMigrations = 10 useMigrateArgument = False statsInterval = 0.0 scratchDir = /tmp #scratchVg = vgscratch suspendHandler = gzip resumeHandler = zcat reservedMem = 512 [XenPV] vmNamePrefix = tashi transientdir = /tmp defaultVmType = pygrub #defaultVmType = kernel #defaultKernel = /boot/vmlinuz-xen #defaultRamdisk = /boot/initrd-xen defaultDiskType=qcow [Vfs] prefix = /tmp [LocalityService] host = localityserverhostname port = 9884 staticLayout = /location/of/layout/file # Client configuration [Client] # Clustermanager hostname clusterManagerHost = localhost clusterManagerPort = 9882 clusterManagerTimeout = 5.0 # Agent portion [Agent] publisher = tashi.messaging.GangliaPublisher [Primitive] #hook1 = tashi.agents.DhcpDns scheduleDelay = 2.0 densePack = False [MauiWiki] #hook1 = tashi.agents.DhcpDns refreshTime = 5 authuser = changeme authkey = 1111 defaultJobTime = 8640000000 [DhcpDns] dnsEnabled = True dnsSecretKey = ABcdEf12GhIJKLmnOpQrsT== dnsKeyName = name_of_dns_key_hostname dnsServer = 53 dnsDomain = tashi.example.com dnsExpire = 300 dhcpEnabled = True dhcpServer = # Host key name dhcpKeyName = OMAPI dhcpSecretKey = ABcdEf12GhIJKLmnOpQrsT== # ipRangeX - where X is the vlan number ipRange1 = reverseDns = True # Clustermanager hostname clustermanagerhost = localhost clustermanagerport = 9886 [GangliaPublisher] dmax = 60 retry = 3600 # Logging stuff # Switch the "keys" and "handlers" variables below to output log data to the publisher [loggers] keys = root [handlers] #keys = consoleHandler,publisherHandler,fileHandler keys = consoleHandler [formatters] keys = standardFormatter [logger_root] level = DEBUG #handlers = consoleHandler,publisherHandler,fileHandler,syslogHandler handlers = consoleHandler propagate = 1 [handler_consoleHandler] class = StreamHandler level = NOTSET formatter = standardFormatter args = (sys.stdout,) [handler_publisherHandler] class = tashi.messaging.MessagingLogHandler level = NOTSET formatter = standardFormatter args = () [handler_fileHandler] class = FileHandler level = NOTSET formatter = standardFormatter args = ("/var/log/nodemanager.log",) [handler_syslogHandler] class = handlers.SysLogHandler level = NOTSET formatter = standardFormatter args = ('/dev/log') [formatter_standardFormatter] format=%(asctime)s [%(name)s:%(levelname)s] %(message)s datefmt= class=logging.Formatter # Message Broker [MessageBroker] host = localhost port = 1717 [AWS] awsfile = /var/tmp/aws.dat