# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # This Makefile isn't primarily concerned with building a binary, but sets up this folder after a fresh checkout # Setup .SILENT: # Explicit builds default: bin src/utils/nmd @echo Done all: bin src/utils/nmd src/tags doc/html aws @echo Done doc: rmdoc doc/html @echo Done clean: rmnmd rmbin rmtags rmdoc rmaws if [ `find . -name "*.pyc" | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then echo Removing python byte-code...; rm `find . -name "*.pyc"`; fi @echo Done version: sed -i "s/version = .*/version = \"`date`\"/" src/tashi/version.py aws: src/tashi/aws/wsdl/AmazonEC2_services_types.py src/tashi/aws/wsdl/AmazonEC2_services_server.py src/tashi/aws/wsdl/AmazonEC2_services_types.py: src/tashi/aws/wsdl/2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl (cd src/tashi/aws/wsdl; wsdl2py -b --file ./2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl) src/tashi/aws/wsdl/AmazonEC2_services_server.py: src/tashi/aws/wsdl/2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl (cd src/tashi/aws/wsdl; wsdl2dispatch --file ./2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl) src/tashi/aws/wsdl/2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl: wget -O src/tashi/aws/wsdl/2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl http://s3.amazonaws.com/ec2-downloads/2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl rmaws: if test -e src/tashi/aws/wsdl/2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl; then echo Removing aws...; rm -f src/tashi/aws/wsdl/2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl; rm -f src/tashi/aws/wsdl/AmazonEC2_*.py; fi # Implicit builds # src/utils/nmd: src/utils/Makefile src/utils/nmd.c # @echo Building nmd... # (cd src/utils; make) # ln -s ../src/utils/nmd ./bin/nmd src/utils/nmd: src/utils/nmd.py ln -s ../src/utils/nmd.py ./bin/nmd.py #rmnmd: # if test -e src/utils/nmd; then echo Removing nmd...; (cd src/utils; make clean); rm -f bin/nmd; fi rmnmd: echo Removing nmd...; rm -f bin/nmd.py bin: bindir bin/clustermanager.py bin/nodemanager.py bin/tashi-client.py bin/primitive.py bin/zoni-cli.py bindir: if test ! -d bin; then mkdir bin; fi rmbin: rmclustermanager rmnodemanager rmtashi-client rmprimitive rmzoni-cli if test -d bin; then rmdir bin; fi bin/getInstances: if test ! -e bin/getInstances; then (echo "Generating client symlinks..."; cd bin; PYTHONPATH=../src ../src/tashi/client/client.py --makesyms); fi rmclients: if test -e bin/getInstances; then (echo Removing client symlinks...; cd bin; PYTHONPATH=../src ../src/tashi/client/client.py --rmsyms; cd ..); fi bin/clustermanager.py: src/tashi/clustermanager/clustermanager.py @echo Symlinking in clustermanager... (cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/clustermanager/clustermanager.py .) rmclustermanager: if test -e bin/clustermanager.py; then echo Removing clustermanager symlink...; rm bin/clustermanager.py; fi bin/nodemanager.py: src/tashi/nodemanager/nodemanager.py @echo Symlinking in nodemanager... (cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/nodemanager/nodemanager.py .) rmnodemanager: if test -e bin/nodemanager.py; then echo Removing nodemanager symlink...; rm bin/nodemanager.py; fi bin/primitive.py: src/tashi/agents/primitive.py @echo Symlinking in primitive... (cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/agents/primitive.py .) rmprimitive: if test -e bin/primitive.py; then echo Removing primitve-agent symlink...; rm bin/primitive.py; fi bin/tashi-client.py: @echo Symlinking in tashi-client... (cd bin; ln -s ../src/tashi/client/tashi-client.py .) rmtashi-client: if test -e bin/tashi-client.py; then echo Removing tashi-client symlink...; rm bin/tashi-client.py; fi src/tags: @echo Generating tags... (cd src; ctags-exuberant -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q -f ./tags .) rmtags: if test -e src/tags; then echo Removing tags...; rm src/tags; fi doc/html: @echo Generating HTML docs... epydoc --html -o doc/html --include-log --name=tashi --graph=all --exclude=tashi.messaging.messagingthrift ./src/tashi rmdoc: if test -d doc/html; then echo Removing HTML docs...; rm -rf ./doc/html; fi # Zoni bin/zoni-cli.py: @echo Symlinking in zoni-cli... (cd bin; ln -s ../src/zoni/client/zoni-cli.py .) usr/local/bin/zoni: @echo Creating /usr/local/bin/zoni (echo '#!/bin/bash\nPYTHONPATH=$(shell pwd)/src $(shell pwd)/bin/zoni-cli.py $$*' > /usr/local/bin/zoni; chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/zoni) rmzoni-cli: if test -e bin/zoni-cli.py; then echo Removing zoni-cli symlink...; rm bin/zoni-cli.py; fi if test -e /usr/local/bin/zoni; then echo Removing zoni...; rm /usr/local/bin/zoni; fi ## for now only print warnings having to do with bad indentation. pylint doesn't make it easy to enable only 1,2 checks disabled_warnings=$(shell pylint --list-msgs|grep :W0| awk -F: '{ORS=","; if ($$2 != "W0311" && $$2 != "W0312"){ print $$2}}') pysrc=$(shell find . \! -path '*gen-py*' \! -path '*services*' \! -path '*messagingthrift*' \! -name '__init__.py' -name "*.py") tidy: $(addprefix tidyfile/,$(pysrc)) @echo Insuring .py files are nice and tidy! tidyfile/%: % @echo Checking tidy for $* pylint --report=no --disable-msg-cat=R,C,E --disable-msg=$(disabled_warnings) --indent-string="\t" $* 2> /dev/null;