// .Net StockTrader Sample WCF Application for Benchmarking, Performance Analysis and Design Considerations for Service-Oriented Applications //====================================================================================================== // This is the Order Processor Service Custom Certificate validator. It utilizes the provide base class, // CustomCertificateValidator, that comes with Config Service. This base class uses a list of thumbprints // for valid certificates we want to accept for clients connecting with client certificates to the secured // message security mode endpoint. See the StockTrader Setup and Configuration Guide for details. You // must override the base method getAllowedThumbprints and provide your custom list, per below. For OPS, // the only two certs that will be allowed are those that ship with the StockTrader sample. //====================================================================================================== using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Trade.Utility; namespace Trade.OrderProcessorImplementation { /// /// The Order Processor Service custom X.509 certificate validator, that uses the base class /// provided with Configuration Service. This class is referenced in the config file, with the /// OPS_M_Security_Behavior behavior configuration for the host exe. /// public class CustomCertValidator : CustomCertificateValidator { /// /// Override to provide our list of valid cert thumbprints for the service. /// /// protected override string[] getAllowedThumbprints() { List thumbprints = new List(); //This is the thumbprint for the BSLClient Certificate in the BSLClient.pfx file. Spaces should be removed. thumbprints.Add("59d185eae27b5d89df9a90927353206cc89b8a1b"); //This is the thumbprint for the OPSHost Certificate in the OPSHost.pfx file. Spaces should be removed. We add //this one as well for allowing the service certificate to be used when a node checks its own endpoints. thumbprints.Add("fa0f58bb605fa43369e279e8f9088872fde09943"); return thumbprints.ToArray(); } } }