// // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // .Net StockTrader Sample WCF Application for Benchmarking, Performance Analysis and Design Considerations for Service-Oriented Applications //=============================================================================================== // Customer is part of the SQLServer DAL for StockTrader. This is called from the // BSL to execute commands against the database. It is constructed to use one SqlConnection per // instance. Hence, BSLs that use this DAL should always be instanced properly. // The DAL will work with both ADO.NET and System.Transactions or ServiceComponents/Enterprise // Services attributed transactions [autocomplete]. When using ADO.NET transactions, // The BSL will control the transaction boundaries with calls to dal.BeginTransaction(); // dal.CommitTransaction(); dal.RollbackTransaction(). //=============================================================================================== //====================================================================================================== // Code originally contributed by Microsoft Corporation. // This contribution to the Stonehenge project is limited strictly // to the source code that is submitted in this submission. // Any technology, including underlying platform technology, // that is referenced or required by the submitted source code // is not a part of the contribution. // For example and not by way of limitation, // any systems/Windows libraries (WPF, WCF, ASP.NET etc.) // required to run the submitted source code is not a part of the contribution //====================================================================================================== using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Data.SqlClient; using Trade.BusinessServiceDataContract; using Trade.IDAL; using Trade.Utility; namespace Trade.DALSQLServer { public class Customer :ICustomer { public Customer() { } //Constructor for internal DAL-DAL calls to use an existing DB connection. public Customer (SqlConnection conn, SqlTransaction trans) { _internalConnection = conn; _internalADOTransaction = trans; } private SqlConnection _internalConnection; private SqlTransaction _internalADOTransaction=null; //Used only when doing ADO.NET transactions. //This will be completely ignored when null, and not attached to a cmd object //In SQLHelper unless it has been initialized explicitly in the BSL with a //dal.BeginADOTransaction(). See app config setting in web.config and //Trade.BusinessServiceHost.exe.config "Use System.Transactions Globally" which determines //whether user wants to run with ADO transactions or System.Transactions. The DAL itself //is built to be completely agnostic and will work with either. public void BeginADOTransaction() { if (_internalConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open) _internalConnection.Open(); _internalADOTransaction = _internalConnection.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); } //Used only when doing ADO.NET transactions. public void RollBackTransaction() { _internalADOTransaction.Rollback(); _internalADOTransaction = null; } //Used only when doing ADO.NET transactions. public void CommitADOTransaction() { _internalADOTransaction.Commit(); _internalADOTransaction = null; } public void Open(string connString) { if (_internalConnection == null) _internalConnection = new SqlConnection(connString); if (_internalConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open) _internalConnection.Open(); } public void Close() { if (_internalConnection!= null && _internalConnection.State!=ConnectionState.Closed) _internalConnection.Close(); } //This would be the more efficient way to get holding data with quote price part of the model class/mapping, but do not use to maintain compatibility with Trade 6.1. While //this query is easy with ADO.NET (or JDBC); it would be very problematic with EJB Entity Beans to do efficiently. //private const string SQL_SELECT_HOLDINGS = "SELECT HOLDING.HOLDINGID, HOLDING.QUANTITY, HOLDING.PURCHASEPRICE, HOLDING.PURCHASEDATE, HOLDING.QUOTE_SYMBOL,HOLDING.ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID, " + // "QUOTE.PRICE FROM dbo.ACCOUNT INNER JOIN dbo.HOLDING ON ACCOUNT.ACCOUNTID = HOLDING.ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID INNER JOIN " + // "dbo.QUOTE ON HOLDING.QUOTE_SYMBOL = QUOTE.SYMBOL WHERE (ACCOUNT.PROFILE_USERID = @UserId) ORDER BY HOLDING.HOLDINGID DESC"; private const string SQL_SELECT_HOLDINGS = @"SELECT HOLDING.HOLDINGID, HOLDING.QUANTITY, HOLDING.PURCHASEPRICE, HOLDING.PURCHASEDATE, HOLDING.QUOTE_SYMBOL,HOLDING.ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID from dbo.holding WHERE HOLDING.ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID = (SELECT ACCOUNTID FROM ACCOUNT WHERE PROFILE_USERID = @UserId) ORDER BY HOLDING.HOLDINGID DESC"; private const string SQL_SELECT_HOLDING_LOCK = @"Set NOCOUNT ON; SELECT dbo.HOLDING.HOLDINGID, HOLDING.ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID, HOLDING.QUANTITY, HOLDING.PURCHASEPRICE, HOLDING.PURCHASEDATE, HOLDING.QUOTE_SYMBOL FROM dbo.HOLDING WITH (ROWLOCK) INNER JOIN ORDERS ON HOLDING.HOLDINGID = ORDERS.HOLDING_HOLDINGID WHERE (ORDERS.ORDERID = @OrderId)"; private const string SQL_SELECT_HOLDING_NOLOCK = "Set NOCOUNT ON; SELECT HOLDING.ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID, HOLDING.QUANTITY, HOLDING.PURCHASEPRICE, HOLDING.PURCHASEDATE, HOLDING.QUOTE_SYMBOL FROM HOLDING WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE HOLDING.HOLDINGID=@holdingId AND HOLDING.ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID = (SELECT ACCOUNTID FROM dbo.ACCOUNT WHERE PROFILE_USERID = @UserId)"; private const string SQL_SELECT_GET_CUSTOMER_BYUSERID = "Set NOCOUNT ON; SELECT account.ACCOUNTID, account.PROFILE_USERID, account.CREATIONDATE, account.OPENBALANCE, account.LOGOUTCOUNT, account.BALANCE, account.LASTLOGIN, account.LOGINCOUNT FROM account WHERE account.PROFILE_USERID = @UserId"; private const string SQL_SELECT_CUSTOMERPROFILE_BYUSERID = "Set NOCOUNT ON; SELECT accountprofile.USERID, accountprofile.PASSWORD, accountprofile.FULLNAME, accountprofile.ADDRESS, accountprofile.EMAIL, accountprofile.CREDITCARD FROM dbo.accountprofile WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE accountprofile.USERID = @UserId"; private const string SQL_SELECT_UPDATE_CUSTOMER_LOGIN = "UPDATE dbo.account WITH (ROWLOCK) SET LOGINCOUNT = (LOGINCOUNT + 1), LASTLOGIN = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where PROFILE_USERID= @UserId; SELECT account.ACCOUNTID, account.CREATIONDATE, account.OPENBALANCE, account.LOGOUTCOUNT, account.BALANCE, account.LASTLOGIN, account.LOGINCOUNT FROM dbo.account WITH (ROWLOCK) WHERE account.PROFILE_USERID = @UserId"; private const string SQL_UPDATE_LOGOUT = "UPDATE dbo.account WITH (ROWLOCK) SET LOGOUTCOUNT = (LOGOUTCOUNT + 1) where PROFILE_USERID= @UserId"; private const string SQL_UPDATE_ACCOUNTPROFILE = "UPDATE dbo.accountprofile WITH (ROWLOCK) SET ADDRESS=@Address, PASSWORD=@Password, EMAIL=@Email, CREDITCARD = @CreditCard, FULLNAME=@FullName WHERE USERID= @UserId"; private const string SQL_SELECT_CLOSED_ORDERS = "Set NOCOUNT ON; SELECT ORDERID, ORDERTYPE, ORDERSTATUS, COMPLETIONDATE, OPENDATE, QUANTITY, PRICE, ORDERFEE, QUOTE_SYMBOL FROM dbo.orders WHERE ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID = (select accountid from dbo.account WITH(NOLOCK) where profile_userid =@UserId) AND ORDERSTATUS = 'closed'"; private const string SQL_UPDATE_CLOSED_ORDERS = "UPDATE dbo.orders SET ORDERSTATUS = 'completed' where ORDERSTATUS = 'closed' AND ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID = (select accountid from dbo.account WITH (NOLOCK) where profile_userid =@UserId)"; private const string SQL_SELECT_ORDERS_BY_ID = " o.ORDERID, o.ORDERTYPE, o.ORDERSTATUS, o.OPENDATE, o.COMPLETIONDATE, o.QUANTITY, o.PRICE, o.ORDERFEE, o.QUOTE_SYMBOL from dbo.orders o where o.account_accountid = (select a.accountid from dbo.account a WITH (NOLOCK) where a.profile_userid = @UserId) ORDER BY o.ORDERID DESC"; private const string SQL_INSERT_ACCOUNTPROFILE = "INSERT INTO dbo.accountprofile VALUES (@Address, @Password, @UserId, @Email, @CreditCard, @FullName)"; private const string SQL_INSERT_ACCOUNT = "INSERT INTO dbo.account (CREATIONDATE, OPENBALANCE, LOGOUTCOUNT, BALANCE, LASTLOGIN, LOGINCOUNT, PROFILE_USERID) VALUES (GetDate(), @OpenBalance, @LogoutCount, @Balance, @LastLogin, @LoginCount, @UserId); SELECT ID=@@IDENTITY"; private const string SQL_DEBIT_ACCOUNT = "UPDATE dbo.ACCOUNT WITH (ROWLOCK) SET BALANCE=(BALANCE-@Debit) WHERE ACCOUNTID=@AccountId"; //Parameters private const string PARM_USERID = "@UserId"; private const string PARM_HOLDINGID = "@holdingId"; private const string PARM_ORDERID = "@OrderId"; private const string PARM_ACCOUNTID = "@accountId"; private const string PARM_PASSWORD = "@Password"; private const string PARM_FULLNAME = "@FullName"; private const string PARM_ADDRESS = "@Address"; private const string PARM_EMAIL = "@Email"; private const string PARM_CREDITCARD = "@CreditCard"; private const string PARM_OPENBALANCE = "@OpenBalance"; private const string PARM_LOGOUTCOUNT = "@LogoutCount"; private const string PARM_BALANCE = "@Balance"; private const string PARM_LASTLOGIN = "@LastLogin"; private const string PARM_LOGINCOUNT = "@LoginCount"; private const string PARM_TOPORDERS = "@TopOrders"; private const string PARM_DEBIT = "@Debit"; public List getOrders(string userID, bool top, int maxTop, int maxDefault) { //Here you can configure between two settings: top default to display //is MAX_DISPLAY_ORDERS; the upper limit is MAX_DISPLAY_TOP_ORDERS. //Set these in Web.Config/Trade.BusinessServiceHost.exe.config; and those will be the toggle //choices for the user in the Account.aspx page. try { string commandText; if (top) { commandText = "Select Top " + maxTop.ToString() + SQL_SELECT_ORDERS_BY_ID; } else { commandText = "Select Top " + maxDefault.ToString() + SQL_SELECT_ORDERS_BY_ID; } SqlParameter accountidparm = new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20); accountidparm.Value = userID; SqlDataReader rdr = SQLHelper.ExecuteReaderSingleParm(_internalConnection, _internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text, commandText,accountidparm); List orders = new List(); while (rdr.Read()) { int orderid = rdr.GetInt32(0); DateTime openDate = (DateTime)rdr.GetDateTime(3); Object completionDate = null; //can be null try { if (!Convert.IsDBNull(rdr.GetDateTime(4))) completionDate = rdr.GetDateTime(4); else completionDate = DateTime.MinValue; } catch (Exception e) { string message = e.Message; completionDate = DateTime.MinValue; } OrderDataModel order = new OrderDataModel(orderid, rdr.GetString(1), rdr.GetString(2), openDate, (DateTime)completionDate, rdr.GetDouble(5), rdr.GetDecimal(6), rdr.GetDecimal(7), rdr.GetString(8)); orders.Add(order); } rdr.Close(); return orders; } catch { throw; } } public AccountDataModel login(string userid, string password) { try { SqlParameter parm1 = new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20); parm1.Value = userid; SqlDataReader rdr = SQLHelper.ExecuteReaderSingleRowSingleParm(_internalConnection, _internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text,SQL_SELECT_CUSTOMERPROFILE_BYUSERID, parm1); if (rdr.Read()) { string userPassword = rdr.GetString(1); rdr.Close(); if (userPassword.Equals(password)) { SqlParameter profileparm1 = new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20); profileparm1.Value = userid; rdr = SQLHelper.ExecuteReaderSingleRowSingleParm(_internalConnection, _internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text, SQL_SELECT_UPDATE_CUSTOMER_LOGIN, profileparm1); rdr.Read(); AccountDataModel customer = new AccountDataModel(rdr.GetInt32(0), userid, rdr.GetDateTime(1), rdr.GetDecimal(2), rdr.GetInt32(3), rdr.GetDecimal(4), rdr.GetDateTime(5), rdr.GetInt32(6) + 1); rdr.Close(); return customer; } rdr.Close(); } return null; } catch { throw; } } public AccountProfileDataModel getAccountProfileData(string userid) { try { SqlParameter parm1 = new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20); parm1.Value = userid; SqlDataReader rdr = SQLHelper.ExecuteReaderSingleRowSingleParm(_internalConnection, _internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text, SQL_SELECT_CUSTOMERPROFILE_BYUSERID,parm1); if (rdr.Read()) { AccountProfileDataModel customerprofile = new AccountProfileDataModel(rdr.GetString(0), rdr.GetString(1), rdr.GetString(2), rdr.GetString(3), rdr.GetString(4), rdr.GetString(5)); rdr.Close(); return customerprofile; } rdr.Close(); return null; } catch { throw; } } public void logOutUser(string userID) { try { SqlParameter parm1 = new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20); parm1.Value = userID; SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(_internalConnection,_internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text,SQL_UPDATE_LOGOUT, parm1); return; } catch { throw; } } public AccountDataModel getCustomerByUserID(string userID) { try { SqlParameter parm1 = new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20); parm1.Value = userID; SqlDataReader rdr = SQLHelper.ExecuteReaderSingleRowSingleParm(_internalConnection, _internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text, SQL_SELECT_GET_CUSTOMER_BYUSERID, parm1); if (rdr.Read()) { AccountDataModel customer = new AccountDataModel(rdr.GetInt32(0), rdr.GetString(1), rdr.GetDateTime(2), rdr.GetDecimal(3), rdr.GetInt32(4), rdr.GetDecimal(5), rdr.GetDateTime(6), rdr.GetInt32(7)); rdr.Close(); return customer; } rdr.Close(); return null; } catch { throw; } } public List getClosedOrders(string userId) { try { SqlParameter useridparm = new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20); useridparm.Value = userId; SqlDataReader rdr = SQLHelper.ExecuteReaderSingleParm(_internalConnection,_internalADOTransaction,CommandType.Text,SQL_SELECT_CLOSED_ORDERS,useridparm); List closedorders = new List(); DateTime completionDate = DateTime.MinValue; while (rdr.Read()) { int orderid = rdr.GetInt32(0); DateTime openDate = (DateTime)rdr.GetDateTime(4); try { completionDate = (DateTime)rdr.GetDateTime(3); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message.Equals("Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.")) completionDate = DateTime.MinValue; } OrderDataModel order = new OrderDataModel(orderid, rdr.GetString(1), rdr.GetString(2), openDate, completionDate, rdr.GetDouble(5), rdr.GetDecimal(6), rdr.GetDecimal(7), rdr.GetString(8)); order.orderStatus = StockTraderUtility.ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETED; closedorders.Add(order); } if (rdr.HasRows) { rdr.Close(); useridparm = new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20); useridparm.Value = userId; SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuerySingleParm(_internalConnection,_internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text,SQL_UPDATE_CLOSED_ORDERS,useridparm); } else rdr.Close(); return closedorders; } catch { throw; } } public List getHoldings(string userID) { try { SqlParameter useridparm = new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20); useridparm.Value = userID; SqlDataReader rdr = SQLHelper.ExecuteReaderSingleParm(_internalConnection,_internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text, SQL_SELECT_HOLDINGS, useridparm); List holdings = new List(); while (rdr.Read()) { HoldingDataModel holding = new HoldingDataModel(rdr.GetInt32(0), rdr.GetDouble(1), rdr.GetDecimal(2), rdr.GetDateTime(3), rdr.GetString(4),rdr.GetInt32(5)); holdings.Add(holding); } rdr.Close(); return holdings; } catch { throw; } } public HoldingDataModel getHoldingForUpdate(int orderID) { try { SqlParameter orderIDparm = new SqlParameter(PARM_ORDERID, SqlDbType.Int); orderIDparm.Value = orderID; SqlDataReader rdr = SQLHelper.ExecuteReaderSingleRowSingleParm(_internalConnection, _internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text, SQL_SELECT_HOLDING_LOCK, orderIDparm); while (rdr.Read()) { HoldingDataModel holding = new HoldingDataModel(rdr.GetInt32(0), rdr.GetInt32(1), rdr.GetDouble(2), rdr.GetDecimal(3), rdr.GetDateTime(4), rdr.GetString(5)); rdr.Close(); return holding; } return null; } catch { throw; } } public HoldingDataModel getHolding(string userid, int holdingid) { try { SqlParameter[] holdingidparms = new SqlParameter[]{new SqlParameter(PARM_HOLDINGID, SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20)}; holdingidparms[0].Value = holdingid; holdingidparms[1].Value = userid; SqlDataReader rdr = SQLHelper.ExecuteReaderSingleRow(_internalConnection,_internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text, SQL_SELECT_HOLDING_NOLOCK, holdingidparms); while (rdr.Read()) { HoldingDataModel holding = new HoldingDataModel(holdingid, rdr.GetInt32(0), rdr.GetDouble(1), rdr.GetDecimal(2), rdr.GetDateTime(3), rdr.GetString(4)); rdr.Close(); return holding; } return null; } catch { throw; } } public void updateAccountBalance(int accountID, decimal total) { try { // Get the parameters from the cache SqlParameter[] accountParms = GetUpdateAccountBalanceParameters(); accountParms[0].Value = total; accountParms[1].Value = accountID; SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(_internalConnection, _internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text, SQL_DEBIT_ACCOUNT, accountParms); } catch { throw; } return; } public void insertAccount(AccountDataModel customer) { // Get the parameters from the cache SqlParameter[] AccountParms = GetCreateAccountParameters(); try { AccountParms[0].Value = customer.openBalance; AccountParms[1].Value = customer.logoutCount; AccountParms[2].Value = customer.balance; AccountParms[3].Value = customer.lastLogin; AccountParms[4].Value = customer.loginCount; AccountParms[5].Value = customer.profileID; customer.accountID = Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(_internalConnection, _internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text, SQL_INSERT_ACCOUNT, AccountParms)); return; } catch { throw; } } public void insertAccountProfile(AccountProfileDataModel customerprofile) { // Get the paramters from the cache SqlParameter[] ProfileParms = GetCreateAccountProfileParameters(); try { ProfileParms[0].Value = customerprofile.address; ProfileParms[1].Value = customerprofile.password; ProfileParms[2].Value = customerprofile.userID; ProfileParms[3].Value = customerprofile.email; ProfileParms[4].Value = customerprofile.creditCard; ProfileParms[5].Value = customerprofile.fullName; SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(_internalConnection, _internalADOTransaction,CommandType.Text, SQL_INSERT_ACCOUNTPROFILE, ProfileParms); } catch { throw; } } public AccountProfileDataModel update(AccountProfileDataModel customerprofile) { try { // Get the paramters from the cache SqlParameter[] ProfileParms = GetUpdateAccountProfileParameters(); ProfileParms[0].Value = customerprofile.address; ProfileParms[1].Value = customerprofile.password; ProfileParms[2].Value = customerprofile.email; ProfileParms[3].Value = customerprofile.creditCard; ProfileParms[4].Value = customerprofile.fullName; ProfileParms[5].Value = customerprofile.userID; SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(_internalConnection, _internalADOTransaction, CommandType.Text, SQL_UPDATE_ACCOUNTPROFILE, ProfileParms); return customerprofile; } catch { throw; } } private static SqlParameter[] GetUpdateAccountBalanceParameters() { // Get the paramters from the cache SqlParameter[] parms = SQLHelper.GetCacheParameters(SQL_DEBIT_ACCOUNT); // If the cache is empty, rebuild the parameters if (parms == null) { parms = new SqlParameter[] {new SqlParameter(PARM_DEBIT, SqlDbType.Decimal, 14), new SqlParameter(PARM_ACCOUNTID, SqlDbType.Int)}; // Add the parameters to the cached SQLHelper.CacheParameters(SQL_DEBIT_ACCOUNT, parms); } return parms; } private static SqlParameter[] GetCreateAccountProfileParameters() { // Get the parameters from the cache SqlParameter[] parms = SQLHelper.GetCacheParameters(SQL_INSERT_ACCOUNTPROFILE); // If the cache is empty, rebuild the parameters if (parms == null) { parms = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter(PARM_ADDRESS, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.ADDRESS_MAX_LENGTH), new SqlParameter(PARM_PASSWORD, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH), new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.USERID_MAX_LENGTH), new SqlParameter(PARM_EMAIL, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH), new SqlParameter(PARM_CREDITCARD, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.CREDITCARD_MAX_LENGTH), new SqlParameter(PARM_FULLNAME, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.FULLNAME_MAX_LENGTH)}; // Add the parametes to the cached SQLHelper.CacheParameters(SQL_INSERT_ACCOUNTPROFILE, parms); } return parms; } private static SqlParameter[] GetUpdateAccountProfileParameters() { // Get the parameters from the cache SqlParameter[] parms = SQLHelper.GetCacheParameters(SQL_UPDATE_ACCOUNTPROFILE); // If the cache is empty, rebuild the parameters if (parms == null) { parms = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter(PARM_ADDRESS, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.ADDRESS_MAX_LENGTH), new SqlParameter(PARM_PASSWORD, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH), new SqlParameter(PARM_EMAIL, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH), new SqlParameter(PARM_CREDITCARD, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.CREDITCARD_MAX_LENGTH), new SqlParameter(PARM_FULLNAME, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.FULLNAME_MAX_LENGTH), new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.USERID_MAX_LENGTH)}; // Add the parametes to the cached SQLHelper.CacheParameters(SQL_UPDATE_ACCOUNTPROFILE, parms); } return parms; } private static SqlParameter[] GetCreateAccountParameters() { // Get the parameters from the cache SqlParameter[] parms = SQLHelper.GetCacheParameters(SQL_INSERT_ACCOUNT); // If the cache is empty, rebuild the parameters if (parms == null) { parms = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter(PARM_OPENBALANCE, SqlDbType.Decimal), new SqlParameter(PARM_LOGOUTCOUNT, SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter(PARM_BALANCE, SqlDbType.Decimal), new SqlParameter(PARM_LASTLOGIN, SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter(PARM_LOGINCOUNT, SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter(PARM_USERID, SqlDbType.VarChar, StockTraderUtility.USERID_MAX_LENGTH)}; // Add the parameters to the cached SQLHelper.CacheParameters(SQL_INSERT_ACCOUNT, parms); } return parms; } } }