== Sirona Dashboard Aims to provide an easy way to build dashboards. === Test it Go in sirona-dashboard-plugin and execute: [source] ---- mvn clean compile tomee-embedded:run ---- Go on `http://localhost:8080/dashboard` then click on `Add panel` and enter `gauge(name)` - for instance `gauge(CPU)` - in the input and finally click on `Save`. If you have counters in your application you can use `counter(name,role=myrole)` as well. === TODO - security? or let it to the user integration? - make sirona plugin more dynamic - provide a servlet to get rid of the need to create index.html etc? === Extend the plugins To write an extension: implement `org.apache.sirona.dashboard.plugin.api.Plugin` in a CDI bean. It can be decorated with `PluginType` to name the plugin and `@DependsOnCss` and `@DependsOnJs` for frontend dependencies (injected in header/end of body). The returned widget can parse the formula if it is dynamic and should return the widget HTML content and associated javascript. The javascript can use implicit `elt` which is the DOM container of the widget. === Package/Embbeded Just add `sirona-dashboard-plugin` to your dependencies. The front part can be inspired from `sirona-dashboard-plugin/src/main/webapp`.