How to configure S4 clusters and applications


S4 provides a set of tools to:

Cluster configuration

Before starting S4 nodes, you must define a logical cluster by specifying:

The cluster configuration is maintained in Zookeeper, and can be set using S4 tools:

./s4 newCluster -c=cluster1 -nbTasks=2 -flp=12000

See tool documentation by typing:

./s4 newCluster -help

Node configuration

Platform code and application code are fully configurable, at deployment time.

S4 nodes start as simple bootstrap processes whose initial role is merely to connect the cluster manager:

  1. the bootstrap code connects to the cluster manager
  2. when an application is available on the cluster, the node gets notified
  3. it downloads the platform configuration and code, as specified in the configuration of the deployed application.
  4. the communication and core components are loaded, bound and initialized
  5. the application configuration and code, as specified in the configuration of the deployed applciation, is downloaded
  6. the application is initialized and started

This figure illustrates the separation between the bootstrap code, the S4 platform code, and application code in an S4 node:


Therefore, for starting an S4 node on a given host, you only need to specify:

Example: ./s4 node -c=cluster1

Overriding node configuration

By default, nodes read configuration from configuration files in the classpath, and

It is possible to override these parameters by using the -p option when starting a node.

Application configuration

Deploying applications is easier when we can define both the parameters of the application and the target environment.

In S4, we achieve this by specifying both application parameters and S4 platform parameters in the deployment phase :

Modules configuration

S4 follows a modular design and uses Guice for defining modules and injecting dependencies.

As illustrated above, an S4 node is composed of: * a base module that specifies how to connect to the cluster manager and how to download code * a communication module that specifies communication protocols, event listeners and senders * a core module that specifies the deployment mechanism, serialization mechanism * an application

default parameters

For the comm module: communication protocols, tuning parameters for sending events

For the core module, there is no default parameters.

overriding modules

We provide default modules, but you may directly specify others through the command line, and it is also possible to override them with new modules and even specify new ones (custom modules classes must provide an empty no-args constructor).

Custom overriding modules can be specified when deploying the application, through thedeploy command, through the emc or modulesClasses option.

For instance, in order to enable file system based checkpointing, pass the corresponding checkpointing module class :

./s4 deploy -s4r=uri/to/app.s4r -c=cluster1 -appName=myApp \

You can also write your own custom modules. In that case, just package them into a jar file, and specify how to fetch that file when deploying the application, with the mu or modulesURIs option.

For instance, if you checkpoint through a specific key value store, you can write you own checkpointing implementation and module, package that into fancyKeyValueStoreCheckpointingModule.jar , and then:

./s4 deploy -c=cluster1 -emc=my.project.FancyKeyValueStoreBackendCheckpointingModule \

overriding parameters

A simple way to pass parameters to your application code is by:

int port

S4 uses an internal Guice module that automatically injects configuration parameters passed through the deploy command to matching @Named parameters.

Both application and platform parameters can be overriden. For instance, specifying a custom storage path for the file system based checkpointing mechanism would be passing the s4.checkpointing.filesystem.storageRootPath parameter:

./s4 deploy -s4r=uri/to/app.s4r -c=cluster1 -appName=myApp \
-emc=org.apache.s4.core.ft.FileSystemBackendCheckpointingModule \ 

Make sure you pass overriding platform parameters through the -p option in the node command, and pass application parameters through the -p option in the deploy command.

File-based configuration

Instead of specifying node parameters inline, you may refer to a file with the ‘@’ notation: ./s4 deploy @/path/to/config/file With contents of the referenced file like:



S4 uses logback, and here is the default configuration file. You may tweak this configuration by adding your own logback.xml file in the lib/ directory (for a binary release) or in the subprojects/s4-tools/build/install/s4-tools/lib/ directory (for a source release or checkout from git).