The Apache Software Foundation Apache Incubator

Who We Are


We ask that you please do not send us emails privately asking for support. We are non-paid volunteers who help out with the project and we do not necessarily have the time or energy to help people on an individual basis. Instead, we have setup mailing lists which often contain hundreds of individuals who will help answer detailed requests for help. The benefit of using mailing lists over private communication is that it is a shared resource where others can also learn from common mistakes and as a community we all grow together.

The Incubator Project Management Commitee (PMC)

The Incubator PMC is responsible to the Board for the management of the Incubator Project. Only votes cast by members of the incubator PMC are binding upon Apache. The work that this project is charged with overseeing differs from other projects and so functions a little differently. For more details read the Incubator PMC guide.

Below are listed all currently active PMC members in alphabetical order. This list is not normative and may sometimes be a little outdated. The authoritive list is maintained at

Since that this file is only accessible to ASF committers, that list is periodically republished here.

    Aaron Bannert             
    Alan Cabrera              
    Alex Karasulu             
    Andrus Adamchik           
    Ant Elder                 
    Antoine Lévy-Lambert      
    Ate Douma
    Ben Laurie                
    Berin Lautenbach          
    Berin Loritsch            
    Bernd Fondermann          
    Bertrand Delacrétaz       
    Bill Stoddard             
    Brett Porter              
    Brian Fitzpatrick
    Brian McCallister         
    Bruce Snyder              
    Carsten Ziegeler          
    Cliff Schmidt             
    Craig McClanahan          
    Craig Russell          
    Curt Arnold      
    Danese Cooper  
    J. Daniel Kulp    
    Davanum Srinivas          
    Dave Johnson              
    David Crossley            
    David N. Welton           
    Deepal Jayasinghe         
    Dirk-Willem van Gulik     
    Don Brown                 
    Doug Cutting              
    Eddie O'Neil              
    Emmanuel Lecharny         
    Eran Chinthaka
    Erik Abele                
    Felix Meschberger
    Garrett Rooney        
    Gavin McDonald    
    Geir Magnusson Jr.        
    Gianugo Rabellino
    Grant Ingersoll         
    Greg Stein                
    Guillaume Nodet           
    Henning Schmiedehausen
    Ian Holsman               
    J. Aaron Farr             
    James Holmes              
    James Strachan            
    Jason van Zyl             
    Jean T. Anderson          
    Jeffrey Genender          
    Jeremias Maerki           
    Jim Jagielski             
    Joe Schaefer
    Jukka Zitting             
    Justin Erenkrantz         
    Ken Coar                  
    Kevan Miller              
    Leo Simons                
    Luciano Resende
    Mark Womack               
    Martin Cooper             
    Martijn Dashorst          
    Martin van den Bemt       
    Matt Hogstrom             
    Matthias Wessendorf
    Matthieu Riou             
    Morgan Delegrange         
    Niall Pemberton           
    Niclas Hedhman            
    Noel Bergman (chair)      
    Noirin Shirley
    Paul Fremantle            
    Paul Hammant              
    Paul Querna               
    Peter Royal               
    Phil Steitz               
    Philip Gollucci
    Ralph Goers
    Reinhard Poetz 
    Rick Hillegas             
    Robert Burrell Donkin
    Roland Weber              
    Ross Gardler              
    Santiago Gala             
    Sam Ruby                  
    Sanjiva Weerawarana       
    Stefan Bodewig      
    Stephane Bailliez         
    Susan Wu                  
    Sylvain Wallez            
    Ted Husted                
    Ted Leung                 
    Thomas Fischer            
    Torsten Curdt
    Wendy Smoak               
    William Rowe              
    Will Glass-Husain         
    Yoav Shapira              


This list contains all emeritus PMC members in strict alphabetical order. They have not contributed anything for some time, and consider themselves retired from active duty. We wish them well and hope to see them return.

    Brian W. Fitzpatrick


Each podling status page lists its mentors. An index of these pages is available.

Incubator Committers

Each podling status page lists its committers. An index of these pages is also available.

A list of all Apache committers is available.