The Apache Software Foundation Apache Incubator

Yoko Project Incubation Status

Yoko (CORBA implementation) has been dissolved, with parts going to Geronimo and CXF.


The Yoko project is a robust and high performance CORBA server which is integrated into Apache Geronimo but also be usable from inside any JVM. It is hoped that it will provide the ORB implementation for the Harmony project.


  • 2006-01-18 Project announced publicly.
  • 2006-01-31 Project proposed and accepted for incubation in Apache.
  • 2007-12-17 Project dissolved, with parts going to Geronimo and CXF.

Project info

If the project website and code repository are not yet setup, use the following table:

item type reference
Website www
Wiki wiki
Mailing list dev
Mailing list users
Mailing list commits
Bug tracking JIRA
Source code SVN
Proposal Wiki
Mentors Matt Hogstrom, Geir Magnusson Jr., James Strachan
Committer dblevins David Blevins
Committer bravi Balaji Bravi
Committer adc Alan Cabrera
Committer chirino Hiram Chirino
Committer jgenender Jeff Genender
Committer hogstrom Matt Hogstrom
Committer djencks David Jencks
Committer ahj Anders Hessellund Jensen
Committer pkosuru Prasad Kosuru
Committer lkuehne Lars Kühne
Committer trustin Trustin Lee
Committer rickmcg Rick McGuire
Committer dmiddlem Darren Middleman
Committer enolan Edell Nolan
Committer cjodea Conrad O'Dea
Committer dpicco Dion Picco
Committer andypiper Andy Piper
Committer jsommer Jeppe Sommer
Committer adisakala Adi Sakala
Committer dain Dain Sundstrom
Committer krab Kresten Krab Thorup
Committer dweir David Weir

Incubation Status Reports


Incubation Work Items

Project Setup

This is the first phase on incubation, needed to start the project at Apache. This is currently in progress.


These action items have to be checked for during the whole incubation process.

These items are not to be signed as done during incubation, as they may change during incubation. They are to be looked into and described in the status reports and completed in the request for incubation signoff.

Collaborative Development

  • Have all of the active long-term volunteers been identified and acknowledged as committers on the project?
  • Are there three or more independent committers? (The legal definition of independent is long and boring, but basically it means that there is no binding relationship between the individuals, such as a shared employer, that is capable of overriding their free will as individuals, directly or indirectly.)
  • Are project decisions being made in public by the committers?
  • Are the decision-making guidelines published and agreed to by all of the committers?

Licensing awareness

  • Are all licensing, trademark, credit issues being taken care of and acknowleged by all committers?


Things to check for before voting the project out.

Organizational acceptance of responsibility for the project

  • If graduating to an existing PMC, has the PMC voted to accept it?
  • If graduating to a new PMC, has the board voted to accept it? Not Applicable

Incubator sign-off

  • Has the Incubator decided that the project has accomplished all of the above tasks?