The Apache Software Foundation Apache Incubator


This document is a Work in Progress, and reflects the ongiong effort of the authors to describe Apache guidelines.

Purpose of this document

Apache has a particular way of dealing with projects which is usually summed up as the Apache Way .
The purpose of this document is to aggergate and integrate all information about how Apache operates both technically and socially. It's a live document, and as such it tries to reflect the current situation at Apache, but keep in mind that reality is much more dynamic and changes continuously, so it will be probable that there are some inconsistencies with what you will see.
Apache is also about helping each other, so if you find errors or omissions, please tell us at our mailing list, where we will be more than happy to hear from you.


If you are a committer on Apache, there is a very special mailing list created for all Apache committers, where we all gather to discuss about our present and future: community at apache dot org .
To subscribe, send a mail to community-subscribe at apache dot org .

About Apache