The Apache Software Foundation Apache Incubator

Incubator PMC Guides

This document is targeted at Incubator PMC members. A project PMC is responsible for managing a project. If you are not a member of a PMC, you'll find this document totally useless since all information presented here assumes that you are a member of the PMC.

So, if you are not a PMCer, but wish to become one, start with the participation guide .

For further information, see the Apache FAQ for PMC members

Starting a new Project

After a project has been accepted by Apache by a positive vote of a PMC, it can start incubation. Here are the initial steps.

1. Give the initial committers that are already Apache committers commit privileges to the "incubator" SVN modules, so that they can start helping with the project ASAP.

This can be done by the Incubator Chair (preferred as it's usually the fastest way), by infrastructure at apache dot org or anyone else that has the privs to do it. We are talking about adding people that are already in Apache and should not have any problem in gaining access to these public repositories.

Example with project Axion:

In the Apache CVSROOT avail file (FIXME: these notes need to be updated for SVN) search for the following line:

#Incubating projects (should not be here if the project has graduated)

add the projectname at the end of the next line


add a line like this


2. Add the status page template for the project and publish the site.

Copy the following status template to site-author/projects/${project}.xml and add an entry to the site-author/projects/index.xml file. See the full instructions for updating the website.

3. Make sure the Chair adds the Mentor(s) to the PMC.

4. Send a mail to general at incubator dot apache dot org telling that the above things have been done and invite the project members to start working with the status page items.

In particular you may want to cite this:

IP Clearance template