The Apache Software Foundation Apache Incubator

Incubation Guides

The Incubation Guides linked below are descriptive and at times discursive documents. They describe established practices. These guides are informational. They are something to start from and improve on.

Unlike the Policy, the guides are not normative. You MAY diverge from a guide whenever it makes sense for your project. Only the Policy is normative and MUST be followed by all projects.

For more information, see these notes.

Entry Guides

Podling Guides

General Incubator Guides


  • Within all Incubator documentation, the terms MAY, MUST and SHOULD are used as defined by RFC2119.
  • Documentation is considered a secondary source. It records experiences and codifying consensus formed on the mailing lists and in particular on Please feel free to subscribe to this list and ask any questions not covered adequately by the documentation.
  • The Incubator documentation is intended to be read as a superset of the documentation for full Apache projects. See
  • Questions MAY be expected on deviations from the established practices documented in these guides. The aim of this process is to improve quality by ensuring that decisions are fully considered and to allow established practices to evolve. Subjective quality is one factor taken to account by IPMC members during votes.