The Apache Software Foundation Apache Incubator

Enter The Incubator (DRAFT)

Status - DRAFT

This document is under development. At the moment, this is just a skeleton outline.


This document is descriptive not normative. It discusses and describes the process of incubator entry and offers some views about how to approach it. It is not an inflexible standard but represents a consensus condensed from previous discussions on the incubator general list.


Help Wanted!

Help to improve the system by posting a patch for this document to the incubator section of JIRA or a comment to the general list at incubator.

Understanding The Acceptance Process

The acceptance process is simple in theory but complex in practice.

The theory is that candidates are accepted or rejected by a vote on a mailing lists. Anyone can vote (and are encouraged to do so) but only eligable votes are binding on Apache. For candidates Sponsored by the Incubator this means members of the Incubator PMC.

In practice, the process is more complex for candidates who want to give themselves the best chance of being accepted.

Apache policy is set by the Board either directly or through it's special committees. The incubation PMC is responsible to the board and so it is the duty of each PMC member to vote against a proposal that does not adhere to this policy.

Incubation Policy state clearly when a . All policy is decided by PMC vote and so represents an active consensus. Though PMC members are free to vote in whatever way they choose, it is reasonable to expect PMC members to vote against a proposal that does not satisfy policy.

However, satisfying current policy is not sufficient. Acceptance is a democractic process requiring positive approval by the electorate. The guides and other documentation are not policy. They are approved only through lazy consensus.


  • [links to posts and threads]

Notes On The Process

The Proposal

The Vote

When the proposal seems finished and some sort of consensus has emerged, the proposal can be put to the vote.

The right time is a matter for judgement. Ask the Champion for advice or ask on the mailing list. It is usually best to ensure that the discussions and debates surrounding the proposal are complete before moving to a vote. This may mean move discussions which are not about the proposal to separate threads.

The right duration for the vote is also a matter for judgement [link].