The Apache Software Foundation Apache Incubator

Official Documentation

Incubator Chair Guides

Some things can only be done by the Incubator Chair.

Adding a new PMC member

1. Be sure that the person you're adding has been voted by the PMC or is one of the designated Mentors for a project

2. Send this mail:

To: board at
CC: private at
CC: address(es) of the new pmc member(s)
Subject: [PLEASE ACK] New Incubator PMC member(s): Member1, Member2, ...

The Incubator PMC is adding (a) new member(s):
  Member1 <member1 at> (ProjectX Mentor)
  Member2 <member2 at> (voted...)
Please ACK.

Explanation of the process
A chair can add a new PMC member, but it must notify the board first. 72 hours 
after a board member has ACKed this request, and no other from the board
objects, the person is officially part of the PMC.

For the new member(s)
general-subscribe at
private-subscribe at

If he is a Mentor, coming in with a project, you may want to add this to the mail:

Note about adding Mentors
I note that he has not been voted in with a "[VOTE] Name Surname as PMC
member" but has nevertheless been accepted as being the Mentor of a project,
that *has* been accepted.

3. Add the person to the incubator avail

3. Wait 72 hours after the ACK of a board member

4. After 72 hours without problems, add the person to:

  • Mail the new member this welcome message:
Welcome in the Apache Incubator Project.

Here is some information to get you started as a PMC member.

 - please subscribe to the incubator mailing lists:
    - general-subscribe at
    - private-subscribe at
    - incubator-cvs-subscribe at
    - incubator-site-cvs-subscribe at
 - the base incubator URL is
 - all the public information, rules and policies about the
   Apache Incubator is in, 
   and thus published on

 - lists all PMC
   members. This is periodically regenerated from

 - the Incubator website is published by committing the 
   generated docs in incubator/public/trunk/ see
 - all private information for the Incubator PMC is  

 - all Incubator PMC members have full access to the 
   incubator repository (including the incubating projects for
   oversight purposes) and are wiki admins

 - status documents about Incubating projects are under 
   incubator/public/trunk/site-author/project/ directory; 
   please keep the ones you are mentoring updated

 - all committers on all incubating projects have access to
   the 'incubator/public' repository, so they can
   participate in the general Incubator Project as committers

 - please read our work documents under 
   for more information about the incubation process; they are
   published under

Thanks for helping us :-)

Making the Board Report

The Chair must remember to send the board a status report of the Incubator Project.

The dates of the meetings and the months in which to send in a report can be found in the committers directory under board/ .

It's important that the report is sent at least two days before the scheduled meeting.

The Chair should also ensure that the Incubating projects have prior notice of this so that they can send in their Incubation Report. It's advisable to ask them at least 3 weeks prior the meeting, so that the Incubator Project can review and discuss them.

Here is a board report boilerplate:

Status report for the Apache Incubator Project 
    * Noteable happening's in the Incubator 
    * What code releases have been made? [since the last report] 
    * Any new projects in process of being accepted? 
    * Any legal issues to bring to the board? 
    * Any cross-project issues that need to be addressed? 
    * Any problems with committers, members, etc? 
    * Plans and expectations for the next period

Asking for Incubation Reports

At least when there is a board report due, or when it seemes needed, the Chair can ask a project for an Incubation Report. This helps in assessing the status of the project and eventually vote for the exit from incubation.