The Apache Incubator Project ============================ The Incubator project was created in October of 2002 to provide an entry path to the Apache Software Foundation for projects and codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts. Code donations from external organisations and existing external projects wishing to move to Apache will enter through the Incubator. *** WARNING ****************************************************************** To make changes to the Incubator website, you have to edit files in the site-author directory, and run the build script to update the generated pages. See "Website Howto" below. *** WARNING ****************************************************************** See: Website ============ Information about the incubator project and the projects that it contains is at This module contains the o-so-vital STATUS file. It also contains the sourcefiles from which the website is generated. See below for information on editing the website. Website Howto ============= The top-level Incubator website is currently generated by Anakia. The source documents are in the "incubator" SVN repository at "site-author". The status reports for each project are kept in site-author/project/. See for more information. If you don't want to RTFM and just patch the incubator website a little: -> edit/add files in the site-author/ directory (copy-pasting from existing files is often a good idea) -> install a java runtime environment or development kit -> type './' on linux/mac/solaris/unix or 'build.bat' on windows -> manually 'svn add' any files generated in site-publish that weren't there before, or set the 'svn:ignore' property to ignore them. Eg something like svn status site-publish | egrep '^\?' |\ sed -e 's/^\? *//g' | xargs svn add may work for you. -> check the generated stuff looks like you want it to. Eg something like svn status site-publish | egrep '^(A|M)' |\ sed -e 's/^[AM] *//g' | xargs open may work for you. -> commit. If you get "svn: Inconsistent line ending style" errors when trying to commit the generated files, run 'ant fix' (or 'build.[sh|bat] fix') to correct these. (See for more info. Subproject Website Howto ======================== Do not use the "incubator/public" SVN repository for project docs (note you do have a status file to maint there), but the module of the specific project, eg$PROJECT/ Each project can use whatever documentation system that it chooses. Perhaps use a fancy documentation management system like Forrest or Maven, or just use simple raw html pages. See for more information. If you have other questions, feel free to post them on In case of Project development questions, there is Site Change Policy =================== Apache projects usually make releases, and have deliverables. The code they put in is managed through lazy consensus and voting only when it's deemed to be required or requested. Incubator releases are basically Incubated Projects' release to the Sponsor PMC. So how incubation is done is our "code". Hence there is no need to "ratify" such rules if there seems to be consensus, as it's much easier to manage. Because of this, we do not have the "draft" status on our policy docs and simply use them as our guide, that will change in need without having to go through tedious votes when there is good consensus.