Apache PDFBox
The Apache Software Foundation > Incubator > Apache PDFBox

History of Changes


Introduction and explanation of symbols

Changes are sorted by "false" and then chronologically with the most recent at the top. These symbols denote the various action types:add=add, fix=fix, remove=remove, update=update

Version 0.7.4-dev (Planned release:unknown)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fix[ 1648374 ] Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1806912 ] Access to stream arrays Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1793593 ] PDFStreamEngine doesn't handle rotation of -90. Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1792084 ] spot colors' getTintTransform needs quick fix Committed by BJL.
  • updateAdded dependency on JAI Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1666960 ] Patch for any kind of tiff based pdf. Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issue with "Could not read all parameters to decode image" Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1726446 ] Fixing merge w&w/o acroform Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1745133 ] OutOfMemoryError exception during text Committed by BJL.
  • updateUpgraded to lucene 2.2.0 Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1672991 ] Specify non default printer in silentPrint mode. Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1607074 ] Portrait and Landscape PageFormat Fix Committed by BJL.
  • update***API Change:Renamed PDPageContentStream.drawImage to drawXObject*** Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1600672 ] Painting Form XObjects Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded integration with JempBox library Committed by BJL.
  • fixUpgraded to IKVM Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1674903 ] InvalidCastException in write2file for images Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1057560 ] Overlay incorrectly orders overlay pages Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded ability to get/set document level JavaScript. Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issue with PNG encoding when using LZW/Flate filters Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1562539 ] Implemented "B" operator for PageDrawer Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1562539 ] PageDrawer now uses the correct color to display text Committed by BJL.
  • updateUpgraded to junit4.3 Committed by BJL.
  • updateUpgraded to Lucene-2.1.0 Committed by BJL.

Version 0.7.3 (10/12/2006)

Changes to the Code Base

  • updateUpgraded to Checkstyle 4.2 Committed by BJL.
  • updateUpgraded to IKVM Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1546399 ] Use get/set functions for separators in PDFTextStripper Committed by BJL.
  • addPDDocument.silentPrint() to print without prompting for a printer Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1544118 ] Bug in PDFont.getCodeFromArray Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1529835 ] Add COSFloat.setValue() Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1492555 ] PDChoiceField dead loop Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1499521 ] NPE PDAppearance.convertToMultiLine Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1522007 ] Error converting date Committed by BJL.
  • updateUpgraded to Lucene 2.0.0 Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1451164 ] Problems filling combo and radio form fields Committed by BJL.
  • updateUpgraded to lucene 1.9.1 Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1023133 ] Support PDF Functions Committed by BJL.
  • updateAdded command line org.pdfbox.PDFMerger Committed by BJL.
  • update***API Change*** Promoted AppendDoc from example to util package, renamed to PDFMergerUtility. Committed by BJL.
  • updateUpgraded to IKVM- Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1391952 ] Problem extracting embedded attachments Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1249607 ] Fixed issue with broken PDFs that contain multiple endobj Committed by BJL.
  • add[ 1153174 ] Added documentation for PDFHighlighter Committed by BJL.
  • updateRemoved log4j dependency Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 974661 ] getKids() Null Pointer Exception when parsing pdf Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded better support for CJK encoding Committed by BJL.
  • updateChanged signature of PDFPageContentStream.drawImage to take float arguments instead of int Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issue where form xobjects where not being drawn in the viewer Committed by BJL.
  • updateChanged signature to PDDocumentCatalog.OpenAction to be an PDDestinationOrAction instead of just action. Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded tolerance to text extraction sorting where text on a line was not at the same exact y coordinate but very close Committed by BJL.
  • add[ 1327133 ] Printing with form data Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issue with DateConverter that was trying to parse an empty string Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1324846 ] appending text to PDPageContentStream messes up fonts Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded new example ReplaceURLs to show how to replace a clickable URL in a PDF Committed by BJL.
  • addImplemented annotation drawing Committed by BJL.
  • addImplemented EndPath and StrokeAndClosePath operators Committed by BJL.
  • updateMove text extraction permission checking from PDFTextStripper to ExtractText Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded support for more annotations, thanks to a contribution from Paul King Committed by BJL.
  • updateCreated new FontBox project to hold all font library code Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issue where only the first page was sent to the printer Committed by BJL.
  • fixNow automatically sets the page orientation when printing Committed by BJL.

Changes to Documentation

  • updateUpgraded to Apache Forrest 0.8-dev Committed by BJL.

Version 0.7.2 (09/11/2005)

Changes to the Code Base

  • updateUpgraded to IKVM- Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded support to get annotations from a page and to create a RubberStamp annotation Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded PDDocument.print() to send the PDF to a printer. Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1276623 ] NullPointerException in PageDrawer:241 when extractin images Committed by BJL.
  • updateAllow creation of PDJpeg from a BufferedImage, thanks to contribution from Paul King Committed by BJL.
  • addRemoved PDTiff in favor of PDCcitt Committed by BJL.
  • addPDFBox no longer requires log4j!! Committed by BJL.
  • addNew class to allow you to specify 'named' regions where text is to be extracted. Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1261555 ] Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream when stream has a zero length Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1226665 ] ImportXFDF giving NPE error Committed by BJL.
  • updaterenamed COSDictionary.setItem( String, boolean ) to COSDictionary.setBoolean( String, boolean ) Committed by BJL.
  • updateAdded sorting parameter to PDFTextStripper Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issues with PDF encryption Committed by BJL.
  • updateBetter date support, added support for PDFs that use non standard dates, support for time zone offsets Committed by BJL.
  • updateFlateFilter-class now supports PNG-Predictors for decoding the imagedata, thanks to a contribution from Marcel Kammer Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded support for extracting tiff images, thanks to a contribution from Marcel Kammer Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded PDDocument.removePage to remove PDF pages Committed by BJL.
  • addFixed issue when creating a COSString with a UTF 16 string Committed by BJL.
  • addCommitted patch for type 1 PFB font parser(special thanks to Michael Niedermair) Committed by BJL.
  • addCommitted patch for PNG predictors (special thanks Erik Martino) Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1227428 ] failure of getMediaBox Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1227426 ] null pointer in PDFToImage(ColorModel is null) Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1207113 ] Enhancement: runtime accessible version Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1213320 ] setFfFlag() of PDField not working correctly Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1215945 ] Error in COSString.writePDF() - fixed escape sequences Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1198912 ] COSName with escaped characters not parsed correctly Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issue where resources were not being cleared in PDFStreamEngine Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1165686 ] Expected int type parse error Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1182825 ] Wrong handling of signed/unsigned byte/int in TTF parsing Committed by BJL.
  • remove[ 1182892 ] PDFHighlight.setHighlightColor was removed because it is not implemented by adobe Committed by BJL.

Version 0.7.1 (04/10/2005)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fix[ 1170068 ] text field is not found Committed by BJL.
  • fixfixed NPE issue where an image did not have any applied filters Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issue where extra spaces were being added during text extraction for type3 fonts Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1119420 ] Extract and Update the Meta-Information as XML Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1119410 ] Extract text in/between bookmarks Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1164476 ] XFDFImport should fail with non XFDF document Committed by BJL.
  • add[ 1119408 ] Support named target for Bookmark extraction. Committed by BJL.
  • addCreated Resources/PDFBox_External_Fonts.properties to create a mapping for non-embedded fonts Committed by BJL.
  • update**API Change** Renamed PDField.getName() to PDField.getPartialName(), added method getFullyQualifiedName() Committed by BJL.
  • update**API Change** Renamed PDWidget to PDAnnotationWidget for naming consistency Committed by BJL.
  • updateText is now extracted from embedded form xobjects. Committed by BJL.
  • updateDeployed site to new hosting vendor. Committed by BJL.
  • updatecommitted code for PDFHighlighter to highlight words in a PDF document. Committed by BJL.
  • updateAdded command line application org.pdfbox.PDFToImage Committed by BJL.
  • updateImplemented runlength decoding Committed by BJL.
  • updateAdded patch from Jorge Hernández Sellés to append content streams to existing page. Committed by BJL.
  • update**API Change**renamed package from pdmodel.graphics.image to pdmodel.graphics.xobject Committed by BJL.
  • update**API Change**Removed PDRadioButton, should use PDCheckbox instead Committed by BJL.
  • update**API Change**COSStream now extends COSDictionary instead of containing a dictionary Committed by BJL.
  • update[ 1021241 ] Text extraction should follow PDF article divisions Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded implementation for PDF page articles Committed by BJL.
  • addCreated TextToPDF command line application Committed by BJL.
  • addCreated ImageToPDF example Committed by BJL.
  • fixfixed parsing of header where a trailing % exists Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1110029 ] Character ">" not quoted in COSName::writePDF Committed by BJL.

Version 0.7.0 (1/22/2005)

Changes to the Code Base

  • updatecommitted [ 1097913 ] Enhance LucenePDFDocument streams(thanks to Olivier Parent) Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded implementation for PDF Bookmarks Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded implementation for PDF Destinations Committed by BJL.
  • updateUpdated website for better format for documentation Committed by BJL.
  • fixNow ExportFDF and ExportXFDF will default output files to pdfname.fdf and pdfname.xfdf Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1046278 ] ClassCastException when doing FDF/XFDF Committed by BJL.
  • fixExtractText now allows you to extract text if you decrypt with the owner password Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded PDF 1.5 Object Stream support Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded pdmodel.common.PDStream to represent COSStream Committed by BJL.
  • fixchanged PDPage.getContents to use PDStream instead of COSStream Committed by BJL.
  • fixUpdated LucenePDFDocument Javadoc to tell which Lucene fields it populates Committed by BJL.
  • fixmoved HelloWorld example from persistence to pdmodel and updated to use new PD Model features Committed by BJL.
  • fixRefactored PDFStreamEngine based on contributions from Christophe Huault Committed by BJL.
  • fixThis class no longer uses a gigantic if/else statement for all of the operators they are defined as properties when instantiating the class Committed by BJL.
  • fixUpdated AFM resources to be ones released on Adobe's site, include AFM license as well Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded ability to embed TTF fonts, only WinAnsiEncoding is supported at this time Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded ability to extract images, thanks to contributions by Brigitte Mathiak Committed by BJL.
  • fixCOSWriter now generates the document id if it does not already exist Committed by BJL.
  • fiximproved performance for text extraction Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1058693 ] TextPosition does not take account of tz operator Committed by BJL.
  • fixupgraded to log4j-1.2.9 Committed by BJL.
  • fixinclude package-list for javadocs Committed by BJL.
  • fix[ 1037145 ] Infinite loop in PDFParser.parseObject Committed by BJL.
  • fixfixed error where spaces before integers was causing parse errors Committed by BJL.

Version 0.6.7 (10/09/2004)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixRevamped the way character spacing and font information is obtained Committed by BJL.
  • fixImproved location information about a character drawn on the screen. Committed by BJL.
  • fixChanged the PDFStreamEngine.showString to showCharacter to support the newly improved location information. This will now only show one character at a time. Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug in PDDocument.isOwnerPassword and isUserPassword that was using the wrong length for the encryption key Committed by BJL.
  • fixUpgraded to ant 1.6.2 Committed by BJL.
  • fixUpgraded to checkstyle-3.4 Committed by BJL.
  • fixUpgraded to JUnit-3.8.1 Committed by BJL.
  • fixUpgraded to lucene-1.4.2 Committed by BJL.
  • fixIntegrated patch(1016603) for issue 943319 to fix parsing of open office documents Committed by BJL.
  • fixPatch:985347 No longer throw exception for "No 'ToUnicode' and no 'Encoding' for Font" Committed by BJL.
  • fixPatch:996191 Fixed case statement with missing break Committed by BJL.
  • fixPatch:996781 Fixed null pointer exception in acroform fields Committed by BJL.
  • fixRenamed DecryptDocument to DocumentEncryption to support encryption and decryption Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded load/save/encrypt/decrypt convenience methods on the PDDocument class Committed by BJL.
  • fixCOSWriter now attempts to keep object numbers from parsed documents and writes 'free' entries in the xref if necessary Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded the ability to set the word separator on the PDFTextStripper Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issue where PDFBox would throw an IOException if a PDF was incorrectly missing an endobj tag Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed 918220 where PDFBox would freeze when parsing certain cmap files Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded initial colorspace support Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issue where AppendDoc was throwing ClassCastException Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed 1013163 Can't parse filters that use filter abbreviation Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed 1011244 Where encrypting then decrypting was causing a problem Committed by BJL.
  • fixrenamed TextPosition.getWidth to TextPosition.getCombinedHorizontalDisplacement to better reflect its actual value Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed 919215 PDFBox now support stream replacement Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed 955043 Added support for 'ETenms-B5-H' encoding Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed 996050 Class Cast exception when importing Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded support for Font descriptors Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed spacing issues when doing textfield FDF import Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed 1017175 Large number converted when re-written Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed 1029873 PDFBox now allows for multiple xref sections Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded support for document Viewer Preferences Committed by BJL.
  • fixMade currentDocument and pdfDocument protected in util.Splitter to allow easier subclassing Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed 1034427 After Splitting page orientation is lost Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded the following command line applications Committed by BJL.

Version 0.6.6 (07/20/2004)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixImproved support for setting of checkbox fields(FDF import) Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded the org.pdfbox.PDFSplit utility to split a single document into many documents Committed by BJL.
  • fixPDFBox now ignore the Length field that is associated with a stream, it has been found to be wrong in some documents Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug when writing out PDF documents and the document contained an non alphabetic character such as ( or ) Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug in PDFont where dictionary encodings where not being processed correctly Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug in COSDocument.isEncrypted which was comparing COSNull to the wrong object Committed by BJL.
  • fixIntegrated patch for supporting multiple lines in the appearance stream Committed by BJL.
  • fixUpgraded to lucene-1.4-final Committed by BJL.
  • fixorg.pdfbox.ExtractText now uses the system encoding as the default encoding instead of ISO-8859-1 Committed by BJL.

Version 0.6.5 (03/08/2004)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixFixed bug in revision 3 encryption algorithm Committed by BJL.
  • fixadded support for CIDFontType0 glyph widths, which fixed issue with spaces being during text extraction Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed infinite loop when parsing a corrupt content stream Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdd characterspacing + wordspacing when determining the width of a space character Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded support for more font types Committed by BJL.
  • fixrefactored the pdmodel.interactive package, form fields use object delegation instead of inheritance for the widget, see PDField.getWidget and PDField.getKids Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug where an inheritable cropbox would cause stackoverflow exception Committed by BJL.
  • fixChanged usage of PDField/PDWidget to look like object delegation instead of inheritance by adding a PDField.getWidget instead of extending PDWidget Committed by BJL.
  • fixrefactored interactive package, this will break any existing code that uses the PDField/PDAnnotation classes. You will need to adjust your package names!! Committed by BJL.
  • fixNow uses StandardEncoding as the default encoding Committed by BJL.
  • fixBug in AppendDoc example that did not take into account groups of pages Committed by BJL.
  • fixPDFont now also tries the bootstrap classloader when loading AFM resources Committed by BJL.
  • fixadded -startPage and -endPage command line options to org.pdfbox.ExtractText Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded support for corrupt PDFs with garbage before the header Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug where there was whitespace instead of garbage characters in front of the first object Committed by BJL.
  • fixperformance improvements for the Matrix implementation Committed by BJL.
  • fixupgraded to lucene 1.3 Committed by BJL.
  • fixfixed bug in cmap parser for cmap files that all ended in 'def' Committed by BJL.
  • fixRemoved createObject method from COSDocument, COSWriter will handle all object references for you Committed by BJL.
  • fixUpdated AppendDoc to use PDDocument instead of COSDocument and a couple bug fixes Committed by BJL.
  • fixPDFParser now closes the document if there were parse errors Committed by BJL.
  • fixTextPosition now has the PDFont that is associated with the piece of text Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded initial version of org.pdfbox.PDFViewer, a GUI application to view the internal structure of a PDF document. This can be used for debugging purposes at this time but may end up being a Adobe Reader like application if there is enough interest Committed by BJL.
  • fixChanged COSNumber/COSInteger/COSFloat interface to have both intValue and longValue Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded methods isUserPassword & isOwnerPassword to PDDocument Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded cmap files for CJK languages, please give me some feedback Committed by BJL.

Version 0.6.4 (11/02/2003)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixFixed bug which caused infinite loop Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug in encoding where DictionaryEncoding kept a reference instead of making a copy leading to encoding problems Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded PDFTextStripper.(get|set)PageSeparator, which will allow the user to output a string after every page Committed by BJL.
  • fixrefactored text stripping code to separate the logic processing of PDF operators and the logic of extracting text Committed by BJL.
  • fixran findbugs on source code and fixed a couple minor issues Committed by BJL.
  • fixRefactored font functionality to PDFont, some API methods are no longer available in COSObject Committed by BJL.
  • fixchanged name of org.pdfbox.Main to org.pdfbox.ExtractText Committed by BJL.
  • fixadded contribution of org.pdfbox.Overlay from Mario Ivankovits Committed by BJL.
  • fixadded log.isDebugEnabled checks to log4j calls Committed by BJL.
  • fixadded better escaping when writing COSNames Committed by BJL.
  • fixfixed bug where encryption dictionary is sometimes set to COSNull instead of not being present Committed by BJL.

Version 0.6.3 (09/13/2003)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixNow contains the ability to import/set FDF data thanks to a contribution from Stefan Uldum Grinsted Committed by BJL.
  • fixNo longer throw an error when stream is not followed by 0A or 0D0A to allow more PDFs to be parsed Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded -encoding argument to org.pdfbox.Main to control the encoding of the output Committed by BJL.
  • fixRemove Prev entry from trailer if it exists because PDFBox automatically clears all old entries, only an issue when modifying/saving an existing PDF document Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug in master password encryption algorithm for Revision 3 encrypted documents Committed by BJL.
  • fixCOSString no longer uses UTF-8 when encoding the byte array Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded PDDocument.getPageCount() Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug in PDFEncryption where Committed by BJL.
  • fixNow enforces text extraction permissions Committed by BJL.

Version 0.6.2 (4/18/2003)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixModified build so that build.properties settings are no longer required Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded required libraries to CVS Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded log4j logging Committed by BJL.
  • updateSignificant text extraction work Committed by BJL.
  • fixAdded automatic handling of files encrypted with the empty password Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded automated tests and test data for text extraction Committed by BJL.
  • fixRemoved unimplemented decoders from filters test Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed several LZW decode bugs introduced after 0.5.6 Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bugs relating to processing out of spec PDF's with bad # escaping in the name ("java.io.IOException: Error: expected hex number" bug) Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed Lucene UID generation bug Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed GetFontWidths null pointer exception bug Committed by BJL.

Version 0.6.1 (3/9/2003)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixFixed bug in parsing stream objects which led to "Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream" Committed by BJL.
  • fixChanged license from LGPL to BSD to allow pdfbox to be used easily in Apache projects Committed by BJL.

Version 0.6.0 (3/5/2003)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixMassive improvements to memory footprint Committed by BJL.
  • fixMust call close() on the COSDocument(LucenePDFDocument does this for you) Committed by BJL.
  • fixReally fixed the bug where small documents were not being indexed Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug where no whitespace existed between obj and start of object. Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: expected='obj' actual='obj<</Pro Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed issue with spacing where textLineMatrix was not being copied properly Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed 'bug' where parsing would fail with some pdfs with double endobj definitions Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded PDF document summary fields to the lucene document Committed by BJL.

Version 0.5.6 (11/28/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • addFixed bug in LucenePDFDocument where stream was not being closed and small documents were not being indexed Committed by BJL.
  • addFixed a spacing issue for some PDF documents Committed by BJL.
  • addFixed error while parsing the version number Committed by BJL.
  • addFixed NullPointer in persistence example Committed by BJL.
  • addCreate example lucene IndexFiles class which models the demo from lucene Committed by BJL.
  • addFixed bug where garbage at the end of file caused an infinite loop Committed by BJL.
  • addFixed bug in parsing boolean values with stuff at the end like "true>>" Committed by BJL.

Version 0.5.5 (10/03/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • addAdded example of printing document signature Committed by BJL.
  • addAdded example to print out form fields values Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug when appending documents Committed by BJL.
  • fixVarious other bug fixes Committed by BJL.

Version 0.5.4 (09/17/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixFixed bug in text output where '?' instead of the proper character Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug where sections of text were not being output at all Committed by BJL.

Version 0.5.3 (09/13/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixFixed bug in 128 bit encryption Committed by BJL.

Version 0.5.2 (09/06/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixFixed bug where FDF documents could not be appended to PDF Documents Committed by BJL.
  • updateCatch all NumberFormatExceptions and wrap them with IOExceptions Committed by BJL.

Version 0.5.1 (09/04/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • addNow supports unicode for the document summary Committed by BJL.
  • updateBetter support for Type0 fonts Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug with an empty LZW stream Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed parsing error for ID operator Committed by BJL.

Version 0.5.0 (08/31/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • addNow supports unicode for the document summary Committed by BJL.
  • updateBetter support for Type0 fonts Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed bug with an empty LZW stream Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed parsing error for ID operator Committed by BJL.

Version 0.4.1 (07/25/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • fixFixed bug where .notdef was being output as document text Committed by BJL.

Version 0.4.0 (07/23/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • addAdded extract text ant task Committed by BJL.
  • addImplemented AFM(Adobe Font Metrics) resource loading Committed by BJL.
  • fixFixed numerous bugs submitted by users Committed by BJL.
  • updateChanged project from pdfparser to pdfbox to better reflect future needs Committed by BJL.

Version 0.3.0 (07/09/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • addAdded indexer for the lucene project Committed by BJL.
  • fixInitial implementation of PDF encryption(not working yet) Committed by BJL.

Version 0.2.0 (06/03/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • addAdded support for the various encodings Committed by BJL.
  • fixImproved the accuracy of the text output Committed by BJL.

Version 0.1.0 (05/25/2002)

Changes to the Code Base

  • addInitial Version Committed by BJL.