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modified modifyVerifier mongolianVert monospace month monthLong monthShort months moon moons morning mosaic moveFrom moveFromRangeEnd moveFromRangeStart moveTo moveToRangeEnd moveToRangeStart moveWith movie movingAvg mp mpFld mpMap mps mr mruColors ms mult multiLevelType multiLine multiLvlStrCache multiLvlStrRef multilevel multipleFieldFilters multipleItemSelectionAllowed musicNotes mute mwSmallCaps n na name nameLen namespaceUri namespaceuri narHorz narVert narrow nary naryLim naryPr native navajoWhite navy nc nd ndxf neCell negativeInteger neq never new newDocument newLength newName newPage newSection newsflash next nextAc nextClick nextColumn nextCondLst nextId nextMonth nextPage nextQuarter nextTo nextWeek nextYear nf nil nlCheck noAdjustHandles noArr noAutofit noBar noBorder noBreak noBreakHyphen noChangeArrowheads noChangeAspect noChangeShapeType noColumnBalance noControl noConversion noCrop noDrilldown noEditPoints noEndCap noEndnote noExtraLineSpacing noFill noGrp noIndicator noLabel noLeading noLineBreaksAfter noLineBreaksBefore noMove noMultiLvlLbl noProof noPunctuationKerning noResize noResizeAllowed noRot noSelect noSmoking noSpaceRaiseLower noStrike noTabHangInd noTextEdit noUngrp noWrap node nodeHorzAlign nodePh nodeType nodeVertAlign nonAsst nonAutoSortDefault nonIsoscelesTrapezoid nonNegativeInteger nonNorm nonPositiveInteger none nor norm normAutofit normal normalViewPr normalizeH normalizedString northwest notBeside notBetween notContains notContainsBlanks notContainsErrors notContainsText notEqual notFirstPage notSpecified notTrueType notchedRightArrow notes notesMaster notesMasterId notesMasterIdLst notesMasterView notesStyle notesSz notesTextViewPr notesView notesViewPr nothing np ns nsid null num numCache numCol numFmt numFmtId numFmts numId numIdMacAtCleanup numLit numPicBullet numPicBulletId numPr numRef numRestart numSld numStart numStyleLink numTab number numberInDash numberStoredAsText numbering numberingChange nvCxnSpPr nvGraphicFramePr 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ordinal ordinalText orgChart organizeInFolders orgchart orient orientation orientationangle origin original orthographicFront ostorage ostream other otherStyle out outByRing outEnd outer outerShdw outline outline1pPr outline2pPr outlineData outlineLevel outlineLevelCol outlineLevelRow outlineLvl outlinePr outlineSymbols outlineView outlineViewPr outset outside outsideMargin oval ovals over overThenDown overflow overflowPunct overhead overlap overlay override overrideClrMapping overwriteClear owners p pBdr pLen pPos pPr pPrChange pPrDefault pRg pStyle packages page pageBottom pageBreakBefore pageBreakPreview pageField pageFieldLabels pageFieldValues pageFields pageItem pageLayout pageMargins pageOrder pageOverThenDown pageSetUpPr pageSetup pageStyle pageWrap pages paleGoldenrod paleGreen paleTurquoise paleVioletRed palmsBlack palmsColor pane panose panose1 papayaWhip paperClips paperSize paperSrc papyrus par parOf parTrans parTransId parTxLTRAlign parTxRTLAlign paragraph parallel parallelogram param parameter parameterType parameters parent parentSet parsePre partyFavor partyGlass password pasteAll pasteBorders pasteColWidths pasteComments pasteDataValidation pasteFormats pasteFormulas pasteNumberFormats pasteValues path pathEditMode pathLst pattFill pattern patternFill patternType pct pct10 pct12 pct15 pct20 pct25 pct30 pct35 pct37 pct40 pct45 pct5 pct50 pct55 pct60 pct62 pct65 pct70 pct75 pct80 pct85 pct87 pct90 pct95 peachPuff penClr pencils pentagon people peopleHats peopleWaving percent percentDiff percentOfCol percentOfRow percentOfTotal percentStacked percentage percentile period permEnd permStart persistPropertyBag persistStorage persistStream persistStreamInit persistence personal personalCompose personalReply personalView perspective perspectiveAbove perspectiveAboveLeftFacing perspectiveAboveRightFacing perspectiveBelow perspectiveContrastingLeftFacing perspectiveContrastingRightFacing perspectiveFront perspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing perspectiveHeroicLeftFacing perspectiveHeroicRightFacing perspectiveLeft perspectiveRelaxed perspectiveRelaxedModerately perspectiveRight peru pg pgBorders pgMar pgNum pgNumB pgNumMargins pgNumT pgNumType pgSz ph phClr phant phantPr phldr phldrT phonetic phoneticPr photoAlbum pic picLocks picTx pict picture pictureFormat pictureOptions pictureStackUnit pid pie pie3DChart pieChart pieWedge pinYin pink pitch pitchFamily pivot pivotArea pivotAreas pivotButton pivotCache pivotCacheDefinition pivotCacheRecords pivotCaches pivotField pivotFields pivotFmt pivotFmts pivotHierarchies pivotHierarchy pivotSelection pivotSource pivotTable pivotTableDefinition pivotTableStyle pivotTableStyleInfo pivotTables pixelsPerInch placeholder placeholders plaid plane plaque plaqueTabs plastic plcHide plotArea plotVisOnly plum plus poinsettias points polar poly polyline portrait pos posEven posOdd posOffset position positionH positionV positiveInteger post postSp postageStamp powder powderBlue power prLst prSet preSp preced precedSib preferPic preferRelativeResize preferSingleView preferrelative prefixMappings pres presAssocID presId presLayoutVars presName presOf presParOf presStyleCnt presStyleIdx presStyleLbl present presentation presentationAccent presentationPr presentationText preserve preserveFormatting preserveHistory preserveSortFilterLayout presetClass presetID presetSubtype prev prevAc prevCondLst previousCol previousRow pri primFontSz print printArea printBodyTextBeforeHeader printColBlack printDrill printFormsData printFractionalCharacterWidth printOptions printPostScriptOverText printSettings printTwoOnOne printer printerSettings priority prnPr prnWhat product productSubtotal progId progress prompt promptTitle promptedSolutions proofErr proofState property propertyName prot protected protectedRange protectedRanges protection provid proxy prst prstClr prstDash prstGeom prstMaterial prstShdw prstTxWarp pt ptCount ptInCategory 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saveSubsetFonts saveThroughXslt saveXmlDataOnly sawtooth sawtoothGray sb scale scaleToFitPaper scaleWithDoc scaled scaling scaredCat scatterChart scatterStyle scenario scenarios scene3d schema schemaLibrary schemaLocation schemaRef schemaRefs scheme schemeClr scope scr screen screen16x10 screen16x9 screen4x3 scrgbClr script scrollBar scrollbar sd sdt sdtContent sdtContentLocked sdtEndPr sdtLocked sdtPr seCell seaGreen seaShell seattle secChAlign secFontSz secHead secLinDir secSibSp second secondColumnStripe secondColumnSubheading secondPiePt secondPieSize secondRowStripe secondRowSubheading secondSubtotalColumn secondSubtotalRow seconds sectEnd sectPr sectPrChange securityDescriptor seek segments selectFldWithFirstOrLastChar selectLockedCells selectUnlockedCells selected selection self semiHidden semicolon sendLocale sep sepChr separate separator seq ser serAx serLines series seriesEl seriesIdx serverCommand serverField serverFill serverFont serverFontColor serverFormat serverFormats serverNumberFormat serverSldId serverSldModifiedTime serverZoom set setDefinition sets settings shade shadeToTitle shadow shadowcolor shadowedSquares shadowok shape shapeDefaults shapeId shapeLayoutLikeWW8 shapedefaults shapeid shapelayout shapetype shared sharedItems sharksTeeth shd shdw1 shdw10 shdw11 shdw12 shdw13 shdw14 shdw15 shdw16 shdw17 shdw18 shdw19 shdw2 shdw20 shdw3 shdw4 shdw5 shdw6 shdw7 shdw8 shdw9 sheet sheetCalcPr sheetData sheetDataSet sheetFormatPr sheetId sheetIdMap sheetName sheetNames sheetPosition sheetPr sheetProtection sheetView sheetViews sheets shimmer shingle shininess shorebirdTracks short shortcutKey show showAll showAnimation showAsCaption showAsIcon showAutoFilter showBorderUnselectedTables showBreaksInFrames showBubbleSize showButton showCalcMbrs showCaptions showCatName showCell showColHeaders showColStripes showColumnStripes showComments showDLblsOverMax showDataAs showDataDropDown showDataTips showDrill showDropDown showDropDowns showDropZones showEmptyCol showEmptyRow showEnvelope showError showErrorMessage showFirstColumn showFormatting showFormulaBar showFormulas showGridLines showGuides showHeader showHeaders showHorizontalScroll showHorzBorder showInFieldList showInkAnnotation showInputMessage showItems showKeys showLastColumn showLeaderLines showLegendKey showMasterPhAnim showMasterSp showMemberPropertyTips showMissing showMultipleLabel showNarration showNegBubbles showObjects showOutline showOutlineIcons showOutlineSymbols showPageBreaks showPercent showPivotChartFilter showPr showPropAsCaption showPropCell showPropTip showRowCol showRowColHeaders showRowHeaders showRowStripes showRuler showScrollbar showSerName showSheetTabs showSpeakerNotes showSpecialPlsOnTitleSld showStatusbar showTip showVal showValue showVertBorder showVerticalScroll showWhenStopped showWhiteSpace showXMLTags showZeros showingPlcHdr showsigndate shp shpTxLTRAlignCh shpTxRTLAlignCh shrinkToFit si sib sibSp sibTrans sibTransId side sideWall sienna sig sigma signatureline signinginstructions signinginstructionsset sigprovurl silver simplePos single singleAccounting singleLevel singleQuote singleSignOnId singleXmlCell singleXmlCells singleclick size sizeAuto sizeRepresents skew skewamt skewangle skip skipTimed skw skyBlue skyrocket slantDashDot slateBlue slateGray sld sldAll sldId sldIdLst sldImg sldLayout sldLayoutId sldLayoutIdLst sldLst sldMaster sldMasterId sldMasterIdLst sldMasterView sldNum sldRg sldSorterView sldSyncPr sldSz sldTgt sldThumbnailView sldView slideViewPr slides slope slow sm smCheck smConfetti smGrid small smallCaps smallFrac smartTag smartTagPr smartTagType smartTagTypes smartTags smileyFace smooth smoothMarker smtClean smtId snake snapToChars snapToGrid snapToObjects snapVertSplitter snd sndAc sndTgt sng sngStrike snip1Rect snip2DiagRect snip2SameRect snipRoundRect snow snowflakeFancy snowflakes soft softEdge softHyphen softRound softmetal solid solidDmnd solidFill solutionID solveOrder sombrero sort sortBy 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suppressLineNumbers suppressOverlap suppressSpBfAfterPgBrk suppressSpacingAtTopOfPage suppressTopSpacing suppressTopSpacingWP surface3DChart surfaceChart swAng swCell swapBordersFacingPages swirligig swiss switch swooshArrow sx sy sym symbol syncBehavior syncHorizontal syncRef syncVertical sysClr sysDash sysDashDot sysDashDotDot sysDot sz szCs t t1 t2 tCtr tCtrCh tCtrDes tIns tL tMarg tOff tR tab tabColor tabLst tabRatio tabSelected table tableBorderDxfId tableColumn tableColumnId tableColumns tablePart tableParts tableStyle tableStyleElement tableStyleId tableStyleInfo tableStyles tableType tablelimits tableproperties tables tabs tag tagLst tags tailEnd taiwan taiwaneseCounting taiwaneseCountingThousand taiwaneseDigital tan target targetScreenSize targetScreenSz targetscreensize tav tavLst tbLrV tbRl tbRlV tbl tblBg tblBorders tblCellMar tblCellSpacing tblGrid tblGridChange tblHeader tblInd tblLayout tblLook tblOfContents tblOverlap tblPr tblPrChange tblPrEx tblPrExChange tblStyle 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textboxTightWrap textboxrect textdata textlink textpath textpathok tgtEl tgtFrame thai thaiAlphaParenBoth thaiAlphaParenR thaiAlphaPeriod thaiCounting thaiDist thaiDistribute thaiLetters thaiNumParenBoth thaiNumParenR thaiNumPeriod thaiNumbers theme themeColor themeElements themeFill themeFillShade themeFillTint themeFontLang themeManager themeOverride themeShade themeTint thick thickBetweenThin thickBetweenThinLarge thickBetweenThinSmall thickBot thickBottom thickThin thickThinLarge thickThinLargeGap thickThinMediumGap thickThinSmall thickThinSmallGap thickTop thicket thickness thin thinDiagCross thinDiagStripe thinHorzCross thinHorzStripe thinReverseDiagStripe thinThick thinThickLarge thinThickLargeGap thinThickMediumGap thinThickSmall thinThickSmallGap thinThickThinLargeGap thinThickThinMediumGap thinThickThinSmallGap thinThin thinVertStripe thirdColumnSubheading thirdRowSubheading thirdSubtotalColumn thirdSubtotalRow thisMonth thisQuarter thisWeek thisYear thistle thousands 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