Meeting Minutes

Bi-Weekly Meeting common User Interface (CUI)


October 23th, 2003


10:00h, MEST


Cupertino, eham02


+ Oliver Specht (OS)
+ Christian Jansen (CJ)
+ Matthias Müller-Prove (MMP)
- Hans-Peter Burow (PB)
+ Daniel Rentz (DR)
+ Frank Schönheit (FS)
+ Gunnar Timm (GT)
+ Christian Lippka (CL)

Minute Taker

FS (next: OS, PB, MMP, GT, OS, DR, CJ, CL, FS)

Distribution List

Table of Contents

1 Action Items

2 Roundtable

1 Action Items




previous items

Arrange meeting to discuss technical problems for new context sensitiv toolbar handling

Christian Jansen


new items

1.1 Comments on Action Items

2 Roundtable

2.1 New Options Dialog

For 2.0, it's planned to change the options dialog, so that it only displays settings for the application where it has been called, plus settings affecting all applications.
There was a discussion whether this could lead to conflicts, e.g. if somebody opens an option dialog in application A, then opens an option dialog in application B, changes general settings in the latter, confirms this with OK, and then does some other settings in the first dialog (which now already doesn't reflect the real settings), and confirms these, too. We agree that there's a potential conflict, however, such a scenario is considered rather artificial, so it's not really worth caring for it, considering the pontential effort.

2.2 Modal Dialogs

Related to the previous topic, MMP asked whether there are chances to improve our current handling of modal dialog. That is, you can open two modal dialogs from different applications, but you cannot operate the first one (in particular: you cannot close it) until the second one is gone.
This problem has been extensively discussed in the past, with folks from the framework and the graphics system layer team. The outcome at this time was that it's really hard to change this behaviour, since it would require dialogs which are not stack-modal, or a dedicated thread for every dialog. Both is hard to accomplish, especially with respect to all the different systems has to run on.

In addition, when a modal dialog is open, chosing "Quit" from the menu of another window doesn't do anything - neither quit the application, nor warn the user, or point her to the open dialog.
For the second problem, MMP should contact Mathias Bauer, who could probably change this behaviour (or at least know where to change it), if required, so that e.g. a warning is shown.

2.3 Killing on shutdown

MMP reported that when Windows is shut down while is running, there (sometimes?) is the situation that the system offers to kill the process since it's not responding. We agreed that this is most probably a problem of, not the system. MMP should contact Mathias Bauer about this.

2.4 Print Options

MMP raised the problem that the print options tab page (Tools|Options||Print) is quite weird at the moment, with radio buttons which, when checked, change the semantics of the remaining controls. He asked whether this should be fixed for 2.0. Though the attendees agreed that something should to be to this page in general, it's rather unlikely to happen towards 2.0, since since nobody really complained so far, and the topic as such does not really fit into what has been defined as main goals for 2.0.