Meeting Minutes

Weekly Meeting common User Interface (CUI)


June 27th 2002


10:00h, MEST


Cupertino, eham-02


Oliver Specht (OS)
Matthias Mueller-Prove (MMP)
Daniel Rentz (DR)
Gunnar Timm (GT)
Christian Lippka (CL)
Hans-Peter Burow (PB)

Minute Taker

OS (next: FS, DR, PB, GT, GT, MMP, CL )

Distribution List

Table of Contents

1 Action Items

2 Round table

1 Action Items




previous items

Create a concept of Common UI factory design


stalled (due July 2002)

Proposal for Accessibility (focus, keyboard) of automatic Help Agent (the window with the bulb)


stalled 1

Comments on Action Items

    0. blue text denotes changes from the previous week

    1. this is stalled due to the current workload

2 Round table

2.1 Visible focus and initial selection in edit fields

CJ mentioned that the visibility of the input focus is often insufficient. E.g. a selection in the database beamer and a cell in calc at the same time make it impossible to detect where the current focus is. A proposal how to improve this is in process.

He also mentioned that edit fields in some dialogs are not initially selected (e.g. the font name field in format/character/font )

2.1 Security issues around executing macros and hyperlinks

MMP mentioned that the current security settings may not be sufficient to prevent unwanted execution of macros and hyperlinks pointing to executables.

After further investigation this may lead to user interface changes.

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