OpenOfficeRIDL (Java Runtime Interface Definition Library)


Base functionality
Type description / Type info


Since RIDL is still in a development process, so far in the documentation (hierarchy for all packages) only already final classes were considered. Therefore, you should visit this Internet page after a certain time interval again.

Base functionality

Base functionality of RIDL is provided by the following classes.
Class Description
Any The UNO IDL type any is mapped to java type java.lang.Object. In special cases it is necessary to have an explicit any.
Enum The Enum class is the base class for all classes generated as java binding for the IDL type enum. Each java mapped enum class provides static member of this class which represents the enum values. You cant create a object of this class or subclass direct, to avoid enum values with integer values outside the defined range.
IFieldDescription The IFieldDescription describes non method members.
IMemberDescription The IMemberDescription is the base interface for members of UNO types ITypeDescriptions.
IMethodDescription The IMethodDescription allows to examine a method in detail. It gives a view to java methods from a UNO point.
ITypeDescription The ITypeDescription allows to examine a type in detail (e.g. it is used for marshaling/unmarshaling).
Type The Type class represents the IDL builtin type type. The IDL type is not directly mapped to java.lang.Class, because it can be necessary to describe a type which is unknown to the java runtime system, e.g. for delaying the need of a class, so that it is possible to generate it on the fly.
Union The Union class is the base class for all classes generated as java binding for the IDL type union.


Type description/ type info


Class Description
TypeDescription The Type class represents the IDL builtin type type. The IDL type is not directly mapped to java.lang.Class, because it can be necessary to describe a type which is unknown to the java runtime system, e.g. for delaying the need of a class, so that it is possible to generate it one the fly. The current implementations holds various <code>static</code> helper methods, which may be changed or moved in the furture, so please do not use these methods.
TypeInfo Defines a class to describe additional type information.


Author: Bertram Nolte (Wed 13 Jun 2001 17:20:22)
Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA.