Universal Content Broker Project

Project Owner: Matthias Huetsch

The Universal Content Broker (UCB) allows the application layer components to transparently access content with different structures, including the associated meta information to the content. The UCB contains a core and several Universal Content Providers (UCP).

The Universal Content Providers integrate different access protocols. The most important UCP implementations provide content for HTTP, FTP, WebDAV, and access to the local file system.

Modules in Universal Content Broker Project




UCB core implementation and related helper services. Also includes various UCPs (FILE, FTP, HIERARCHY, REMOTE, HTTP / WEBDAV).


C++ Helper classes for UCB users and content provider implementors.


UCB graphical user interface components.


Files containing directories and data streams for reliable, recoverable storage. Used by registry (in project UDK).

Interesting modules outside the Universal Content Broker Project




Help UCP implementation. This module is part of the Utilities Project.





Universal Content Broker - Architecture and API

Presentation (OpenDocument Format)

How To Use The Universal Content Broker API

A short introduction into the usage of the UCB API

Universal Content Broker Configuration

Discusses how to configure the UCB to use specific sets of UCPs

UCB API Reference

The documentation generated from IDL files, containing all UCB services and interfaces

Universal Content Broker Specification

The specification of the UNO Service UniversalContentBroker

Content Provider Specification

The specification of the UNO Service ContentProvider

Content Specification

The specification of the UNO Service Content

Content Providers for the UCB

A reference to the UCPs available

UCB Commands - Error Handling (Draft)

Error Handling Concept and Specification for UCB Commands.

Tips & Tricks: Cachemaps

A pattern found useful when implementing UCPs (in C++).

Tips & Tricks: Be Careful with file URLs

The different notations for files, where they are used, and how to convert between them.