Welcome to OpenOffice.org Support

Welcome to the OpenOffice.org Support area. Listed here are links to free community Support, commercial support and training, OpenOffice.org books, and general community resources.

Most of the listings provided here are done so as a courtesy to the providers; they are not necessarily linked to the OpenOffice.org Project and we make no guarantee about their services. If you have a problem or want to compliment them, contact the service provider directly. Where direct links are provided for the purchase of these resources, we are not endorsing any particular resellers, and in most cases they are available from a host of other independent stores near you.

If you are a new user to OpenOffice.org, we recommend that you read the latest User Guide available for your version: located here. Otherwise, feel free to peruse the documents listed below.

In the listings below, each item is preceded by some characters, which indicates the version/s of OpenOffice.org for which it is relevant:
ALL - Indicates that it is relevant for ALL versions of OpenOffice.org
3.x - Indicates that it is relevant for OpenOffice.org 3.0 and later
2.x - Indicates that it is relevant for OpenOffice.org 2.0 to 2.4.1
1.x - Indicates that it is relevant for OpenOffice.org 1.1.5 and earlier


Free Community Support
Books (Sorted by Date Published)


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