General User Interface Specifications

Name Description Author Status Target Date
File Dialog - Path Restrictions With this feature, it's possible to restrict the operations which can be done in the internal file dialog to a certain list of folders and their descendants. Frank Schönheit  Draft 1.0.1 09/04/2003
Icon Design Guide StarOffice Icon Design Guide Stella Schulze Final 1.1 2003

Specifications for 2.0

Context Menu Concept The context for the menu items of context menus is defined by the position of the mouse cursor, rather than the current selection. Therefore the a context click causes the selection to jump to the cursor position.

Context menus now do also open on context mouse button down rather than just on context mouse button up. This is to conform to the GNOME platform.

Finally, if the context menu opens for the reason of spell checking it is now granted that the menu does not cover the word in question.

Matthias Müller-Prove Final 2.0 04/23/2004
Toolbar Concept Toolbars in are completely renewed. They have further on a context sensitive behavior, but without the toolbar toggle known from 1.1 or earlier. New is also that each program module can have its own toolbar configuration. The 2.0 toolbars provide a lot of usability enhancements which allow an easier customization of the toolbars. Christian Jansen Final 2.03

Concept for Wizards

This document gives precise guidelines to be followed for the creation of's wizards. The more wizards are to be developed the more important becomes the recognition and consistency of certain repeating elements throughout the wizards. Basically this specification brings together the Sun specification in JLF(Advanced Topics) Chapter 7 Wizards and the different way of Microsoft's wizards.

Berend Cornelius

Draft 2.0 10/1/2003
Task Panel Specification The Task Panel is a window which gives users access to commonly used commands. The Task Panel is organized into a number of tabs which are arranged from the top to the bottom. Each panel can also be sub divided in sub task sections. A panel can provide for example access to presentation AutoLayouts (changes the layout of the selected slide.). These can be applied from the presentation by using drag & drop. Christian Jansen Draft 2.0 11/14/2003
Programmatic Control of Menu and Toolbar Items Implementation design and UNO API to adapt menus and toolbars in Carsten Driesner late draft 2.0 02/03/2004
Native Widgets To better integrate with the underlying desktop environment all widgets should have the same look as those used in native applications for that platform. This includes the proper reaction to changes of the desktop theme which should change the look immediately. Stephan Schäfer Draft 2.0 04/02/04
Window Splitter
UI redesign of the Window splitter
Christian Jansen Final 2.0 26/08/04
GNOME File Selector
When is executed in a GNOME environment the file and folder selection dialogs should be the standard GNOME desktop dialogs.

Caolan McNamara

2.0 11/08/04
Visibility of Toolwindows
For reducing an initially cluttered user interface the stylist shall be disabled by default
Christian Jansen Final
2.0 11/08/04
Icon Theme Switching in OOo We already have several icon themes for, and we need a simple way of switching between them. Jan Holesovsky Final 2.0 2005-07-27

Specifications for 3.0

Drop-down List Box & Combo Box Controls The drop-down list box controls and combo box controls support the platform standards of Windows and Gnome in the area of key stroke interaction. Matthias Müller-Prove Final 3.0 12/10/2003
Menus A style guide for menus in Matthias Müller-Prove draft 3.0 Sep 29, 2006
Dialogs The Dialogs guideline defines how dialogs are used in Matthias Müller-Prove draft 3.0 Jan 16, 2006
Progress Indicators A collection of currently used progress indicators: ProgressIndicators.odp Matthias Müller-Prove Aug 2006, Oct, 2007

Specifications for 3.2

Menus Updated style guide for menus in Philipp Lohmann draft 3.2 Jan 28, 2009

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