Project Lead: Maho Nakato
Co-Leads: Joost Andrae / Caio Tiago Oliveira de Sousa

Quality Assurance - Miscellaneous

         Mailing List
Here you can add yourselve to the main oo QA mailing list.
         Mailing List Archive
In this area you can find past mailing list content.
         What's up Blog
Here you can find a oo QA related blog.

Here you find technical descriptions of current or new feature enhancements.
         CWS viewing
Here you find an overview over the CWS (ChildWorkSpace) process.
         Issue Votes
Here you can see the latest result of the Issue Votes.
         Issue Statistics
Here you find an overview over the Issue amount.

         Docs & Files
Here you find general mixed stuff.
         Older Test Cases
Here you find Smoketest that has been used in oo 1.0 and older.
         Old QA Site
Here you find the former QA Site Rev. 1.37.

Revision: 2.00