Test Case: find_rep04

Test Area: Solaris - Linux - Windows

Test Aim
Verify OpenOffice.org find and replace functions correctly

    1. Open a new text file, enter a short text message e.g. . "Short Text Message"
    2. Ensure each word in "Short Text Message" ebgins with an uppercase letter.
    3. From the menu bar,  select Edit - Find & Replace.
    4. In the Find & Replace dialog
         4.1 ensure 'match case' is not selected.
         4.2 enter "message" in the Search for box.
         4.3 enter "mess" in  the Replace with box.
         4.4 Click on Replace All
    5. A dialog should prompt that the search key was replaced 1 time, click Ok on this dialog.
    6. Select Close on the Find & Replace Dialog.
    7. the word "Message" should have been replaced by "mess".

Expected Result:

All operations should complete successfully.

End of test case