How to get the status of a test run with the VCL TestTool Application
by 11.05.2006
updated: 13.03.2007
discussion & questions at

How to get the status of a test run with the VCL TestTool Application

Goal is to have the essential data from a test run available for
further processing e.g. writing it into a database.
This is: Test name, test case, warnings, errors, duration, 
         OOo version, platform, system- and application language.

Theoretical there exists a way to analyze the result file (.res) by
parsing it's content. The syntax is available at:
There exists already some tooling about this from Petr Mladek:

Tora also provided some tool:

Here another way is shown; During the test run the data is collected
without the overhead from a result file and put into files for
further processing. The process is triggered by the TestTool application
at the end of every test run.

Which functions are involved for getting the data about a test run?

The core file for this is (in CVS on OOo):
All global variables are declared in:

Before the function main() in a .bas file is run, the function 
LoadIncludeFiles() is called, which is available in every .bas file.

In every .bas file you see a call to 
qa/qatesttool/global/system/inc/"application",".bas file name")
before calling the first test case and a call to 
after the last test case was run.

On entering a 'testcase' the function 
is called.

On leaving a 'testcase' the function 
is called, which calls

What happens in these functions? - A chronological view on the functions

* LoadIncludeFiles()

-> calls
   -> calls
      -> calls
Which decides how to handle the status writing;

There are 3 modes available:
0. No data collecting takes place.
   The current default behaviour for testing OOo.

1. Inside StarOffice Quality Assurance department at Sun Microsystems 
   the data is collected and written into a database for further processing;
   This enables the testers to compare Child Workspace (CWS) test runs to 
   the master test runs, on which the CWS is based on; You get also an 
   overview on the count of test cases that are run and how the errors evolve
   between the master builds. The exchange of the data takes place via 
   a global available file space. would provide the details, how the database layout should look like.

2. There is an ugly implementation of a try to collect data localy and commit it
   at a later time to a database. I would just call it an technical example.
   I would volunteer for making it nicer ... (TBO)

The control of the mode happens via the content and existence of the file:
If the file doesn't exist: Mode 0; 
If the file exists: get the entry 'Current' from the section 'StatusFeatureLevel'
1: Mode 1;
Mode 2 will be enabled with:
The entry in the testtool configuration file in section 'OOoLocalStatusDatabase'
The entry 'Current' consists of a path:
---- cut ---
There are some restrictions to get it run for Mode 2:
(That's why I call it ugly...)
- On Unix/Linux; If you have e.g. /somwhere/qa/qatesttool/global
  then you have to set Current to /somwhere/qa
- On win32 you have to be in the root of the volume with qatesttool;
  E.g.: D:\qatesttool
  Your Current would be D:\
  There is only the drive letter accepted, and qatesttool has to be there, too!
- From your 'Current' has to exist the path history/tooling
  From example above: /somwhere/qa/history/tooling
  or: D:\history\tooling
- There is an indication in the result file, if the mode was detected, by the
  **  Status feature (mySQL)        : Enabled  + your path
  and a little bit later:
  ** Status will be written to: ...
- After running a test, there have to be some files in history/tooling

*"Application","name of .bas file")

With the first parameter, that is needed, the application get's set, where
the test does belong to: currently known values are: 
framework, writer, calc, chart, base, graphics, math, xml.
The second parameter has to be the name of the .bas file.

The global array variable 'glsStatusPage()' get's cleared, which will get 
explained in the next section.
Here again is evaluated, which data submission mode is used.

|  -> Now the first test case will start .... |


After every test case this function is called.

It puts entries to the global array variable 'glsStatusPage()'
At the end of the test run it will go into a file.

Every item in the array is a connected string of the following parts:
Name of the test case
Duration of test case run
A number for the message kind: 0: no faults; 1: Warning; 2: Error; 3: qaError
Error message, if one occoured, 0 if no error
Line number of error in source file, 0 if no error
CVS version of source file, 0 if no error
Filename of source file, 0 if no error

|  -> After the last test case has ended .... |


Just calls ....

* hStatusWriteOutput()

There will be two files written;
The filename is put together with:
- Three letters of platform
- User name
- Name of the computer where the test ran
- Name of .bas file, without ".bas"
- "-"
- Language code 
- "-"
- A number from 1,2 (,3,4)
- ".txt"
This should make sure to have unique filenames and is 'human readable'.

File with the number "1":
(This file is also written on the call of 'hStatusIn' and rewritten now.)
Every item is put into a new line in the file:
- Major version of OOo; E.g.: "680" or "645" (from versionrc)
- Minor version of OOo; E.g.: "m160" (from versionrc)
- Build ID of OOo; E.g.: "1234" (from versionrc)
- Date of test run
- Three letter code of platform; Known values are: win, lin, sol, x86, osx, ...
- Machine name (from TestTool configuration file the entry [Others] PCname=...)
- User name; On win32 the environment variable VCSID is evaluated; 
  On Unix/Linux the environment variable $USER and $LOGNAME are evaluated.
- Installation type either user (0) or system (1) (nowadays everything is system)
- Language of OOo as phone ID
- Language of the system as phone ID
- The name of the .bas file
- Test application area
- Test duration Hours:Minutes:Seconds
- Child WorkSpace name => if it is the master: "Master"
- Source tree code, like: SRC, OOF, ...

TODO: If it is OOo, the email of the builder/build provider should get submittet,
to distinguish between build errors.
Maybe a property list to not have to rely on the same order of entries.

File with the number "2":
The content of the global array variable 'glsStatusPage()' is written into
the file; Each line in the file is an item from the array.

The handling for mode 2 takes place now:
These two files are written to a public filespace.
Then a little handshaking takes place by the files 3 and 4.
A php script is called via the external helper application 'wget',
(the TestTool will get a native command to perform a http call #i12345#),
that reads the files numbered 1 and 2. The output of the php script is recorded 
into file numbered 4. File numbered 3 is generated by the php scriptby directly
by writing to the global filespace.
If everything is ok, in file 3 only "OK" is printed, else an error occurred 
and you have to check file numbered 4 for error messages.

Examples files
* File: linautofahrenhelaub_lvl1_hsqldb-1-1.txt
2006-05-10 10:54:21

* File: linautofahrenhelaub_lvl1_hsqldb-1-2.txt
tGeneral 00:02:07 0 0 0 0 0
tOpenDatabaseWithViews 00:00:35 0 0 0 0 0
tQueryCriterion 00:02:08 0 0 0 0 0
tQueryJoin 00:00:59 0 0 0 0 0 
tiViewToolbar_1 00:00:46 3 tiViewPanes outcommented due to reconstruction of test 52 1.16
tiFormatStylesAndFormatting 00:00:54 2 VorlagenName : Attempt to write on read-only (MultiLine)Edit 925 1.30
tiEditHyperlink 00:00:42 1 - Not able to edit Hyperlink! 598 1.42
Revision: 2.00