Quality Assurance - Track Issues

Quick Links for tracking issues

What can be found here?

On this page here you can get ...
  1. a ChildWorkspace name (CWS) for a given Issue-id.
  2. a query for the integrated Issues within the most current master build.
  3. a query for the integrated CWSes in specific master builds.
  4. a query for unconfirmed Issues broken down for each Operating System and each application of OpenOffice.

Need Help?

If you are not familiar with the used term like CWS, Master Build, Issue and IssueTracker it could be helpful to have a look on these pages here first:

  1. Issue handling

  2. IssueTracker

  3. Issue lifecycle

Find a ChildWorkspace (CWS) name for a given IssueTracker issue ID

If you want to verify issues which have been fixed, verified and integrated on a master build then you can use this form to query for corresponding ChildWorkspaces. Multiple issue numbers can be delimited by comma. The output will be given to a new browser window. To gain full access to links within the output of the query please login into the EIS (Environment Information System) application using your OpenOffice.org email address as user name and your OpenOffice.org password as password.

Issue #

List integrated issues within the most current CVS master build

Show treeview of all integrated CVS master builds

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Find unconfirmed issues in IssueTracker

These links are provided to make it easier for the QA team to locate unconfirmed defect issues that require triage and follow-up. Those that require triage have an UNCONFIRMED status and do not contain the "oooqa" keyword. Those that require follow-up have an UNCONFIRMED status, but have been previously reviewed and contain either the "oooqa" keyword, the "needmoreinfo" keyword, or both.

All Operating Systems All Operating Systems (OS marked "All") Windows Macintosh Linux Solaris
reworked by Wolfram Garten