Team Lead: Helge Delfs

QA Automation - Links & Docs

Packages and Documentation


Size / Format


the TestTool Environment OOo 3.x


A Quickstart Guide to get started with automated testing of 3.x

the TestTool Environment OOo 2.0.x


All scripts needed for testing the OOo 2.0.x with the VCL TestTool are available from CVS in the project: qa/qatesttool.

the TestTool Environment OOo 1.1.1

34 MB / tar.gz

All scripts needed for testing the OOo 1.1.1 with the VCL TestTool.
To test OOo 1.1.5 update to cvs branch tag: ooo115

Introduction to Automated GUI Testing Wiki

this document describes the test structure, the TestTool Environment, the special commands, etc. TestTool CookBook (v1.1)

0.4 MB / PDF / XML

this document tells you how to write a GUI-Test, how to use CVS, how to debug and how to use the commands qaError/warn/error/except-Log, etc. (Source)

Resultfile documentation

28 kB / HTML

File structure of the VCL TestTool resultfile (*.res)

Revision: 2.00