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Install Note:
Uninstalled Fonts won't Check

    > from [users]  2002-Nov-25
    > It turns out the problem was that OOo was defaulting to use the
    > "Thorndale" font that is not installed on my Linux box.
    > If OOo spell-checks an unknown font it considers it a symbol font. It
    > never spellchecks symbol fonts so none of my text was flagged as misspelled.

In Issue #7336: which was resolved 2002-Oct-08;
here is a condensed version:

Spell checking does work. Please check the following:

1. The font the text is written in must actually exist on the system for spell checking to work reliably.
Thorndale and Albany do not exist on any system without StarOffice 6.0.
So, please, highlight the text in your document and try changing it to some font that really does exist on your machine.

2. Every document has a "language" associated with it (in fact every single character does in OOo). Please
highlight some mispelled text, then go to Format->Character, choose the Font tab, and look at the
Language pulldown. Change it to English (USA) and you should see a little checkmark [and Abc] beside it.

[Tools->Options->TextDocument->BasicFontsWestern: change to fonts that are installed on your system.]

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Last Modified: $Date: 2005/10/22 21:02:49 $