Planned Features for the Scripting Framework

Redesign of the Tools/Configure dialog

The current Tools/Configure dialog is not very usable. A specification is being completed for the complete redesign of this dialog.


Joerg Budischewski has provided UNO bindings for Python and has done some work on making a ScriptRuntime available for a previous version of the Scripting Framework. This ScriptRuntime needs to be updated to support the new Scripting Framework architecture so users can create scripts in Python.

Make dialogs available to all scripting languages

Currently dialogs created by the Basic dialog editor can only be instantiated using the Basic CreateUNODialog function. In the next milestone it should be possible to instantiate these dialogs from other languages.

Digital Signing Support

The intention is to use digital signing of script parcels to give a higher degree of security for users of these new language scripts. The Scripting Framework will be enhanced to verify the digital signatures of scripts before they are executed. Appropriate configuration settings could be added so users can control script execution.

Common Packaging Format

We will move to a common packaging format for UNO components, scripts, and Basic macros.


All suggestions for further features welcome on or in IssueZilla under category framework, subcategory scripting.

Last Modified: Nov 28 2003