Ce qu'apporte la version 2.0.1

Les Fonctionnalités :
  • le mailing par e-mail est maintenant actif
  •  le raccourci Maj+F5 permet de revenir à la dernière position du curseur dans un document enregistré
  •  les objets copiés/collés à partir du presse papier dans Impress/Draw sont maintenant traités comme des metafiles et non des objets OLE.
    • si le presse papier contient un objet OLE, il est transformé en metafichier, c'est à dire une représentation graphique de l'objet et non l'objet lui-même
    • si le presse papier contient un bitmap, alors c'est le bitmap qui est collé.
    • l'objet OLE pouvant toujours être obtenu à partir du collage spécial
  •  la fonction BAHTTEXT a été ajoutée dans Calc permettant de convertir des nombres en texte Thaï et améliorant ainsi la compatibilité avec Excel
  • un nouveau menu permettant d'insérer des marques de formatage (surtout pour les scripts complexes et CJK) a été introduit sous Insérer > Marques de formatage. On y retrouve les espaces insécables, tirets insécables et tirets conditionnels pour la VF
  •  numérotation et puces : j'ai découvert (cela existait peut-être déjà) que l'on peut descendre d'un niveau à l'aide de la touche tabulation et maj+tab pour le sens inverse :) On peut aussi modifier l'indentation d'une liste par glisser/déplacer.
  • la touche retour arrière permet de faire une entrée non numérotée, Ctrl+retour arrière supprime le paragraphe numéroté vide
  • les numérotations en retrait négatif sont également possibles
  • si un paragraphe à le style Titre1 assigné, la numérotation des chapitres peut-être activée à partir de l'icône numérotation.
  •  la police Angsana New (police Thaï) s'affiche par défaut en 18 points et non en 10 ou 12 points comme le veut le code de OOo.
  • de nombreux langages ont été ajoutés à la liste des langues proposées pour OpenOffice.org
  • enfin, OOo peut maintenant être configuré de façon à ce que des options n'apparaissent pas aux utilisateurs.
Corrections de bogues et améliorations :

Child workspaces intégrés
encup Encoding conversion from MS1252 to UTF8 in src / hrc files for German entries m131
impress49 Impress Fixes for PP1 m131
impress50 Impress view related PP1 bug fixes m131
autocurrency Implement mechanism to convert old "automatic" currency number formats to new fixed currency number formats for use in AutoFormat of tables in Calc and Writer. m131
impress57 PP1 bug fixes. m131
dba201b ongoing bugfixing on the OOo 2.0.x branch m131
pl03 extend string resource loader for string lists m131
calcperf01 load and save cells using the core instead of the API m131
qwizardsbf6 CWS for fixing important PP1 Tasks in the area of the Writer Wizards m131
sj22 Fixes for OOo 2.01 m131
fwk20 Fixes for OOo 2.0.1 m131
shiftf5 Add Shift-F5 accelerator to Impress and Writer to jump to last edited location. m131
thb09 Bugfix workspace for graphics/slideshow issues m131
calcsoli A Calc problem on Solaris/x86 m131
cmcfixes18 Add some of the optional compilation modules to BUILD_TYPE and the matching prj/build.lsts m131
smoketest7 fix smoketest installation hang if a mounted volume has problems m131
merge20to201 Administrative CWS for merging OOo 2.0 CWSs into OOo 2.0.1 codeline: pj33 rt12 sdklicenselgpl vq20 m131
calcbinfilter Calc binfilter fixes m132
tbe23 OOo 2.0.1 bug fixes m132
shellfix03 Unix browser detection fixes. m132
vcl39 2.0.1 bugs m132
dr37 OOo 2.0.1 bug fixes for Calc m132
swqbf35 pp1 bugfixes m132
nativefixer18 8 PP1 / OOo 2.0.1 installation issues m132
sj23 some small wmf bugfixes m132
sj24 some minor bugfixes m132
extras22 Fixes in templates/samples for OOo 2.0.1/SO8PP1. m132
ause037 improves buildprocess for helpcontent when using common output trees. resulting help files do not change m132
cmcfixes17 Set default gnome fpicker expansion settings equivalent to those of the gimp m132
nativefixer19 Including new sub directory for packaging type in packaging process. m132
cmcfixes19 fix some parallel build dependancies, and add a BUILD_TYPE for xalan m132

adding a "Thunderbird" option to the Address Book Data Source Wizard (issue 46390)

UI word count: 1
help content word count: 13

fwk21 Fixes for OOo 2.0.1 m132
ivo14 This cws fixes one important l10n issue! Please rebuild transex3 and the depending: automation basctl basic berkeleydb binfilter avmedia chart2 databaseext dbaccess desktop extensions extras_full filter forms fpicker framework goodies sfx2 libxml2 lingu padmin python sc scaddins sch scripting sd so3 starmath svtools svx sw tab toolkit ucbhelper uui vcl wizards xmlsecurity libxmlsec b_server devtools r_tools m132
hc680pp1 Help Changes for 2.0.1 m133
tl12 Misc 8pp1 fixes. m133
sysui11 Deskop integration changes for 2.0.1 m133
intptr sal_IntPtr, sal_uIntPtr are integer types designed to hold pointers so that any valid pointer can be converted to this type, and back to a pointer, without loss. This CWS introduces these types, and uses them on places where they are necessary for the 64bit machines. The changes in this CWS are extracted from ooo64bit02, Martin Kretzschmar's and my patches. m133

VCL declares sal_Int32 *pDXArray, but there are several places where it is used as if declared long *pDXArray. It is OK for 32bit architectures, but breaks for 64bit ones

This CWS fixes the occurances of long *pDXArray. The changes in this CWS are extracted from ooo64bit02; they do not depend on any 64bit stuff, so they could be merged soon.

pj34 Align AMD64's makefile with unxlngi6, fix typos in platform makefiles, add AMD64's THIS_ARCH macro to the main code (from ooo64bit02). m133
gh11 gsicheck + testtool m133
swqpp1bfixes Writer PP1 bug fixes. m134
hr14 CWS tooling enhancements m134
ause035 build issues strike back m134
gslpatches6 patches for 2.0 m134
vcl44 More PP1 issues m134
merge20to201v2 Administrative CWS for mergeing OOO680 m2 changes into SRC680 m134
dba201e Fixed for dba m134
perform05 Performance (start-up) optimizations m135
jscpp1 used for several pp1 bugfixes m135
i18n20 i18n bug fix m135
macosxgcc4 This child workspace integrates patches that are needed for OpenOffice.org to successfully compile with gcc4 on MacOSX m135
merge20to201v3 Administrative CWS for merging OOO680 m3 changes into SRC680 m135
pj36 Danish extra files (online help images, autocorrect file) m135
os62 Bugfixing OOo 2.01 m135
kso201bugs01 Misc OOo 2.0.1 bug fixes m135
nativefixer22 Installer relevant tasks for OOo 2.0.1 m135
readmedupeids fixes duplicated ids in readme m135
os64 Bugfixing OOo 2.01 m135
hc680qq1 online help fixes m135
vcl45 Still more 2.0.1 tasks m135
sj28 cws containing some bugfixes for ppt import/export filter issues m135
vq21 Parallel build issues m135
cov2src Administrative CWS for merging changes from COV680 master workspace into SRC680. m135
hr21 Fix a few remaining files to carry the LGPL license header m135
dr41 Bug fixes for OOo 2.0.1 m136
qwizardsbf7 regression PP1 bugs from qwizardsbf6 m136
xmlsecui String changes for document signatures and security. m136
eformspp1 eforms fixes for post-release m136
os57 Bugfixing OOo 2.01 m136
lo8 pp1 fixes m136
impress66 String related bug fixes. m136
mmeeks11 Fixes some broken icons in ooo_custom_images - not used by stock OpenOffice.org => no QA required. m136
impress69 Improve the Impress slide sorter performance. m136
dba201d Fixes for dba m136
morejava The aim is multiple: (1) Make OOo buildable with JDK 1.5.0; (2) Add BEA Systems, Inc. JRE among supported javas, (3) Make OOo buildable with JDK 1.3.1 out-of-the-box m136
ause039 lots of minor issues m136
impress71 PP1 bug fixes m136
dr42 OOo 2.0.1 fixes for Calc m136
impress72 Impress fixes for OOo 2.0.1 m136
ause041 fixing build issues in helpcontent2 m136
calc201fix Calc regression fixes for OOo2.0.1 m136
skeletonmaker The cws is used to create an UNO component skeleton generator. Some changes (bug fixes) are relevant for PP1. The tool self is not intended to be part of PP1 until now. m137
emblock1 Fix for a deadlock caused by embedded object. m137
swqbf40 Fixes in Writer text formatting and layout and in WW8 filter m137
smoketest6 improving of errormessages and exception handling in smoketest m137
fwk24 Bugfixes for OOo2.0.1 m137
pj35 Add more languages (Breton, Irish, ...) to postset.mk, NSIS installer and other files. m137
atcldr Align locale data of selected locales to the CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository). See also http://l10n.openoffice.org/i18n_framework/cldr/LocaleDataAudit_OOo_CLDR.html m137
vcl46 Some GSL fixes for a regression introduced into SRC680m132... m137
idlcpp1 fix for idlc for problem in cygwin shell and OpenOffice build env + build issue in scripting module m137
localisation01 localisation cws m137
vq22 build issues m137
locales201 Locale additions and fixes for OOo2.0.1 m138
vcl42 2.0.1 issues m138
vcl43 VCL related PP1 fixes m138
fs04 The aim of this CWS is to upgrade the libwpd included in OOo tree to 0.8.3 and to fix some issues concerning WordPerfect import. m138
dba201f misc DBA bugfixing towards 2.0.1 m138
pj38 Minor fix for -help (sxi-document -> presentation document) m138
canvas02 Impress slideshow/canvas fixes for 2.0.1 m138
qadev24 update and enhance UNO-API-Tests m138
sj29 PP1 bugfix workspace m138
calc33 Two Calc issues for OOo 2.0.1 m138
fwk23 Bug fixes for OOo 2.0.1 m138
hr22 Enhance CWS tooling robustness in case of CVS server failures. Reduce number of EIS connections during resync. m138
tl15 Bugfixing OOo 2.01 m139
fwk25 PP1 fixes m139
i18n21 i18n bug fix m139
ab22 Fix escalated b6335225 respectively duplicate i50147 tasks for pp1 m139
fwk26 Contains a fix for a crash in binfilter if loading of the file fails. A lot of crash reports have been collected for this bug. Another fix for crashes after printing on Windows only. m139
padminhc high contrast icons for spadmin m139
optstor1a5 Minimize influence of embedded object optimization. m139
vq23 Clean-up/reorganize wnt.mk m139
calc34 Calc fixes for 2.0.1 m139
pj39 small build (MacOS X packaging, dependencies, gcc-3.3.3 bug) and bug fixes (fonts for Slovak help), one minor issue for AMD64 m139
swnumtree New implementation of numbering in Writer m139
textconversion Fixes for Chinese Simpl<->Trad. Translation concerning character attributes plus an OOo Thesurus fix. m139
impress73 Stacktraces and other PP1 issues. m139
siloch Single locale changes for OOo2.0.1 m139
hsqldb8 HSQLDB data loss fix m139
impress74 PP1 bug fixes m139
mmeeks12 trivial industrial icon fixes. m139
sdkinstaller This cws is used to create native installer packages for the SDK m139
swqbf41 PP1 bug fixes in Writer layout engine m139
pj40 Build fixes related to canvas/agg merger. m139
spreadsheetml02 Bugfixes for the import and export of spreadsheetml XSLT filter m140
javapatch Fixes for PP1 m140
os68 Fixes for 2.01 m140
stacks01 fix stacktrace bugs m140
vcl48 some urgent stacktraces m140
impress75 PP1 bug fixes m140
nativefixer24 SO 8 PP1 installation issues m140
impress76 fix for a 2.0.1 issue m140
systemlibxmlfix fix build breaker in module ucb if system libxml is used m140
native25 8 PP1 installation issues m140
impress77 single crashreport fix for OOo 2.0.1 m140
swqbf42 cws for fix of word table export m140
xmlsec13 Fixes for Digital Signatures: SmartCards and Error Handling m140
tl14 Misc Bug fixes for SO8pp1, especially a fix for a endless loop in EditEngine's spellchecking! m140
c06 Implement some more customization options. m140
oooemailmerge Provide an email mailmerge backend solution, m140
ka004 2.0.1 related bugfixes m140
czechthesaurus Add Czech thesaurus (#i34322#) m140
perform06 some performance ehancements
pythonlinkfix pyuno project requires postprocess, but it is desirable for us to have empty postprocess scripts. This cws fixes for pyuno project m140
os69 Fix of issue 127770 m140
pj42 Remove SISSL source files and help pages, add proper Czech, Slovak and Estonian icons. m140
knumber Fix dataloss, when importing OpenDocuments produced by KWord. m140
lo9 non UI fixes for PP1 m141
localisation02 This cws contains localisations for OOo 2.0.1 m141
swqbf43 fix for issues i57656 and i57856 m141
thaiissues Thai issues m141
swqbf44 fixes for issue i57919 and i57920 m142
native26 Installer PP1 bug fixes m142
canvas03 PP1 hotfixes for canvas/slideshow m142
i18n23 fix so8 pp1 showstop bug i57866 m142
swqbf45 fixes for issues i56300 and i56850 m142
aboutbox Fix for 127910. m142
swqbf46 fix for issue 128041 m142
swqbf47 fix for issue 128056 m142
jl27 regression fix for cli_uno. The regression was introduced in m140 m142
sj30 OOo 2.01 bug fixes m142
os70 Adding missing files to patch set m142
thaiissuesl10n missing translation for cws thaiissues m142
ivo17 fix missing community translation in officecfg m143
native31 OOo 2.0.1 version settings m143
dba201g fixing showstoppers ... m143
hr23 Fixes a "cws resync" bug. m144
dutchfix This cws contains last fixes for OOo 2.0.1 dutch / hungarian m144
asianbug Contains fix for Asian justified alignment m144
impress80 PP1 bug fix. m145
hr25_OOA680 Small changes for implementing the "Multiple Integrations" approach for CWSs. No influence on the Office product at all m145
ivo18_OOA680 fix mess in german help / it and zh-* OOO_VENDOR in svx m145
native33_OOA680 Installation PP2 tasks m144

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OpenOffice.org native tongue concept and francophone project are built for you with pride by Guy Capra (Alomphega).
This fr project is also led and maintained by Sophie Gautier.