Instructions for Downloading and Installing
Apache OpenOffice 3.4.x

Last updated: 2012-09-01

A more extensive, though older, Installation Guide is available in PDF and ODT formats from the Apache OpenOffice Documentation Project.

You may also find the Installation FAQs useful as well.

Please note: With this new 3.4 release, a JRE (Jave Runtime Environment) is no longer packaged with OpenOffice. However, you may still need a JRE for full functionality of AOO 3.4. (See Java and Apache OpenOffice). Please ensure that your system has at least Java 1.6 installed for full functionality.

Windows XP/2003/Vista Quick-Start Guide for Apache OpenOffice 3.4

Welcome to Apache OpenOffice Quick-Start Guide for Windows environments. Below you will find step-by-step instructions to download and install Apache OpenOffice version 3.4 on your system. You may want to print this instruction sheet for reference before beginning to download and install Apache OpenOffice.

If you are experienced with the Windows operating system, you can use the instructions provided in the next section. Otherwise, skip to Comprehensive Installation Instructions section.

Overview of the download and installation procedure

To download and install Apache OpenOffice 3.4, follow this checklist:

  1. Review the System Requirements for Apache OpenOffice use.
  2. Download and install Java JRE if you need the features that are Java dependent.
  3. Download Apache OpenOffice 3.4.
  4. Login as administrator (if required).
  5. Unpack and install the downloaded Apache OpenOffice 3.4 files.
  6. Run Apache OpenOffice 3.4 to ensure that the installation was successful.

Comprehensive Installation Instructions

This section describes in detail how to install Apache OpenOffice on your computer system.

The first thing you'll want to do is read through these instructions completely, and use the Apache OpenOffice site to answer any questions you might have. The site contains documentation for users of all levels, beginner to advanced; a good place to get started for all new users of Apache OpenOffice would be browsing the FAQ.

Note: Log in as an administrator if your computer only allows people with administrator privileges to install programmes.

Review the System Requirements

Your computer needs these resources as a minimum to run Apache OpenOffice 3.4:

Download Apache OpenOffice 3.4

To download Apache OpenOffice from our website, you do not need to login. Also, it does not cost anything other than what your costs are to connect to the internet and download a large file.

If your connection is not very fast (and or you are behind a dial up connection), you might consider a program that enables you to pause/resume the download. We've listed some popular download managers here.

To download the most current version of Apache OpenOffice:

  1. Display Download Apache OpenOffice, and click on the large green download button displayed on the top of the web page.

NOTE: Much of the information that follows here can be found in a recent Win 86 Setup Guide, secton 4. Installer Setup from the developer wiki.

Unpack and install the downloaded Apache OpenOffice 3.4 files

  1. Either using Windows Explorer or Mozilla/Netscape's Download Manager, navigate to the Apache OpenOffice file you downloaded.

    Windows Explorer users will want to find the file and double-click to launch the unpacking and installation program. Alternately, Mozilla/Netscape users will want to open the Download Manager, highlight the file, and click Launch File. In either case, the unpacking program will start.

    The Welcome window is displayed to note that you have downloaded Apache OpenOffice 3.4. Click Next to continue.

  2. The Select Folder window is displayed. Accept the folder name displayed in the text box or enter the name of the folder in which to save the unpacked files, and click Unpack.
  3. Once the files are unpacked, the Apache OpenOffice 3.4 Installation Wizard is displayed. Click Next to continue installing Apache OpenOffice 3.4. Follow the prompts, and Apache OpenOffice will be installed on your system, ready for use.
  4. Read the information in the Welcome window and then click Next.

    The License Agreement window appears.

    Note: You will need to use the scroll bar to view all of the license text If you do not wish to accept the license, you will be prompted to confirm this before the installation programme closes.

  5. Read the license, select "I accept the terms in the license agreement", and click Next.

    The Customer Information window appears.

    You may leave this form blank, or enter your User Name and if applicable, Organisation.

    Note: If you logged in as administrator you will be prompted to install for all users.

  6. Complete Customer Information form and click Next.

    The Setup Type window appears.

  7. Select a setup type (we recommend Complete) and click Next.

    The File Type window is displayed.

  8. Select the file types that you wish to open with the Apache OpenOffice program.

    The default configuration is that all the file types are selected. This means that the Apache OpenOffice programme will start when these file types are opened. De-select (click on the ticks) to view, edit and print these file types with your existing word processing, spreadsheet or presentation program.

    Note: If you change your mind, returning to the prior state is tedious. You will need to reassociate all word processing, spreadsheet or presentation files with the appropriate file type.

    You can use file types not associated with Apache OpenOffice, by starting Apache OpenOffice then open the file by choosing Open from the File menu.

  9. Once you have selected the file types click Next.

    The Ready to Install the Program window is displayed.

  10. Click the Back button to return to previous windows to change your installation options, otherwise click Install to begin the installation process.

  11. Click the Finish button when the Installation Wizard Finished window is displayed.

  12. If you logged in as administrator, logout. Each user can then invoke Apache OpenOffice from the program menu which will allow the user to configure Apache OpenOffice as a workstation copy with no further effort on the part of the user.

Run Apache OpenOffice to ensure that the installation was successful

When you first run Apache OpenOffice after a successfully installing the program, you will be prompted to accept the license, enter your user name and register your copy.

  1. Login using your user account, and if you installed Apache OpenOffice successfully it will appear on the Programs sub-menu of the Start menu.

  2. Click on one of the Apache OpenOffice components (we recommend Writer). The Welcome window is displayed.

  3. Click Next to display the License Agreement window.

  4. Scroll to read the license and click Accept to continue. The Transfer personal data window is displayed.

    If you wish to reuse personal data from a previous installation click [Next].

    If you do not wish to reuse any settings from a previous installed version, unmark the checkbox and click [Next].

  5. The user information window is displayed.

    You are prompted to enter your name. This is used in the document properties, templates and when you record changes made to documents. This is useful if you are working on a document with others, but you don't need to complete this information in order to proceed. This information can also be entered later when using the program.

  6. Complete the form and click Next to display the Registration window.

    You will need to be connected to the internet if you select "I want to register now" and click Finish. Your browser will display a welcome message on the Apache OpenOffice web site and then redirect you to a user survey page.

    If you are not connected to the internet, you can choose to register later.

    Registration of Apache OpenOffice and completion of the user survey is optional and is not required for you to ensure full use of Apache OpenOffice.

    Note: Registration of the Apache OpenOffice programme is completely separate to subscribing to various Apache OpenOffice mailing lists and registering yourself with the "" site to submit bugs, enhancement requests and contribute to projects.

You have successfully installed and run Apache OpenOffice. You should now refer to the online help (Choose "Apache OpenOffice Help" from the Help menu) or connect to the internet to obtain support from the web site by clicking the Support tab available from any web page.

Thank you for using Apache OpenOffice, and welcome!

Linux Installations

The following preinstallation steps are recommended for Linux distributions. These should be taken to assure that you have a clean install of Apache OpenOffice due to internal considerations and/or the installation of LibreOffice, if it exists, on your system.

  1. Check to see if LibreOffice has re-routed the OpenOffice binary.
    Type "whereis soffice" from a console.

    If this is symlinked to libreoffice, remove the symlink. (see your favorite reference for how to do this)

    This will NOT remove LibreOffice, this will only disallow LibreOffice to redirect the normal OpenOffice binary -- typically /usr/bin/soffice -- to libreoffice instead.
    Note: Depending on your particular distribution, you may need to deinstall LibreOffice entirely to get Apache OpenOffice working correctly.
  2. If you have an older 3.3.0 version (or lower) of installed, remove it completely.
    The safest way to do this for most users is to use a GUI package manager to search for OpenOffice and remove all packages.

Linux RPM-based Installation


If you want Java integration, you want to make sure you have the latest JRE installed. It should be at least JRE 1.6. You can find the JRE for Linux at the Java JRE for Linux download site. Alternatively, a JRE might be included on the installation media of your distro as part of a complete Java development environment.

Installation Steps

  1. Review the System Requirements
  2. Download your favorite Linux version of Apache OpenOffice
  3. Review helpful information and installation options in the Setup Guide.
  4. Unpack the downloaded image to prepare for installation.
    The following command should work: tar -xvzf "linux package name".tar.gz
    where "linux package name" is the beginning part of the archive you just downloaded.

    This will create an installation directory.
    The name of the installation directory will likely be the language abbreviation for the install set, e.g., en-US.
  5. su to root, if necessary, and navigate to Apache OpenOffice installation directory (the unpacked archive).
    You will likely need to be root to run the rpm command to install the software.
  6. cd into the RPMS subdirectory of the installation directory.
    You should see a lot of rpms here and one sub-directory called "desktop-integration".
  7. Install this new version by typing rpm -Uvih *rpm.
    By default, this will install/update Apache OpenOffice in your /opt directory.

    Alternatively, you can use a GUI package installer, reference the installation directory, and install all rpms at the top level. This may also aid you in determing any dependency problems if they exist.
  8. Install the desktop integration features for your setup.
    cd to desktop-integration in the installation directory,
    and, depending on your package manager/system, install the appropriate desktop interface using RPM.
  9. Finally, start up Apache OpenOffice 3.4.x to insure it's working.

Linux DEB-based Installation


If you want Java integration, you want to make sure you have the latest JRE installed. It should be at least JRE 1.6. You can find the JRE for Linux at the Java JRE for Linux download site. Alternatively, a JRE might be included on the installation media of your distro as part of a complete Java development environment.

Installation Steps

  1. Review the System Requirements
  2. Download your favorite Linux version of Apache OpenOffice
  3. Review helpful information and installation options in the Setup Guide.
  4. Unpack the downloaded image to prepare for installation.
    The following command should work: tar -xvzf "linux package name".tar.gz
    where "linux package name" is the beginning part of the archive you just downloaded.

    This will create an installation directory.
    The name of the installation directory will likely be the language abbreviation for the install set, e.g., en-US.
  5. su to root, if necessary, and navigate to Apache OpenOffice installation directory (the unpacked archive).
    You will likely need to be root to run the deb command to install the software.
  6. cd into the DEBS subdirectory of the installation directory.
    You should see a lot of debs here and one sub-directory called "desktop-integration".
  7. Install this new version by typing sudo dpkg -i *.deb.
    By default, this will install/update Apache OpenOffice in your /opt directory.

    Alternatively, you can use a GUI package installer, reference the installation directory, and install all debs at the top level. This may also aid you in determing any dependency problems if they exist.
  8. Install the desktop integration features for your setup.
    cd to desktop-integration in the installation directory,
    and, depending on your package manager/system, install the appropriate desktop interface using dpkg.
  9. Finally, start up Apache OpenOffice 3.4.x to insure it's working.

Packages for Linux Distributions (Not compiled by Apache OpenOffice developers)

The Linux downloads provided on the Apache OpenOffice site (mirrors) are generic for either the RPM- or DEB-based package managers. If you have experience in directly installing these types of packages on your system, one of these types of installs should work for you. They are not specific to a particular Linux distribution.

Many Linux distributions now include a version of Apache OpenOffice in their own native package manager format (.rpm, .deb, etc.) either from their own repositories or community repositories which they support. These packages have been built and are supported by the distributions' own teams or community members, not by Apache OpenOffice. Some distributions have strict policies around licensing, which means they have chosen to disable parts of Apache OpenOffice which rely on software which does not meet their criteria (e.g. the Fedora RPMs have disabled the parts of Apache OpenOffice which require Java).

Note: Please check carefully before using a third-party build that it does actually include all the parts of Apache OpenOffice that you will require. Replacing a 'native' distribution build with the full Apache OpenOffice original build can be tricky, but can usually be successfully accomplished by completely removing the existing 'native' install.

Installation instructions for Apple Macintosh

Installing Apache OpenOffice on MacOS X

See also: the Mac porting project page

Installation Problems

The best resources to help you with installation problems are: