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How do I generate public and private keys from Linux, Solaris, and Unix?

In Linux, Solaris, and Unix, you do not need to use Cygwin, but open a terminal, or shell, and use the same commands.

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Type pwd to verify that you are in your home directory.
  3. Type ssh-keygen -d to generate your public key file set.
  4. When your machine is done working, it will prompt you for a file in which to save the key. Accept the default and note where it lives. Your system must provide a path to this location during each login.
  5. You will be asked for a passphrase, and you must enter it twice to avoid typos. You will use this passphrase each time you open a tunnel (or connection) to
  6. Next you must submit your public key, then wait for the support team to load it before you can proceed.

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