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I am trying to export a presentation to HTML. I am getting an error message that says Nonexistent object. Nonexistent file. What's wrong?

This message is somewhat generic and can be an indication of one or more problems. Please read the entire list, below, to determine whether you have any of these environment issues:

Export to HTML Requires Directory Write Access The Export to HTML process needs to have access to write a new file or files to the directory you have selected. If you do not have write access, you will get the indicated message. In addition, Export to HTML tends to create lots of files. It is highly recommended that you create a new directory for your output to collect all these files and to avoid the write access restriction.

Not Enough Disk Space You can receive the indicated message because you do not have enough space in your home directory.

File Name Problem You can receive the indicated message because you use a space in the file name. During the Export process, sees the first part of the filename as a directory and sees the rest of the name after the space as the filename. Hence, a non-existent object. The solution, then, is to not use spaces or other characters that are not allowed in a filename. These characters are: %!$#:;

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