How to do a "Mail Merge" from a Calc spreadsheet.


provided by
the Documentation Project



Table of Contents

  1. Creation of the Database Source
  2. Creation of the Mail Template
  3. Merging
  4. Tricks about the Mail Pagination
  5. Credits

1. Creation of the Database Source

To do a Mail Merge in, you have to transform your spreadsheet into a database source, so that you'll be able to display it inside the Beamer.

When you have completed your spreadsheet with the needed data, click on File-Save to save it, in the .sxc format, in the directory you wish. Now, you can close your sheet.

In the Tools menu, select Data sources...

data sources window

To the left, you can see the data sources already created and registered from the Data Sources Manager. You only have to browse up to the position, where you saved yours, and select it.

Hint: This method can be used to register into Suite whatever supported data source type you already have present on your system.

2. Creation of the Mail Template

  1. Open a new text document : File – New – Text

  2. Type the content of your letter. You don't need to insert the address fields in this moment. You can type an asterisk (*), as a place-holder, to orient yourself when you have completed your letter.

  3. Once you have completed the letter; save it, but don't close the file.

  4. From the 'View' menu, select 'Data Sources' (or hit the F4 key.)

data sources
Your registered data sources will be displayed in the Beamer and you only have to select the source with which you wish to work:

data source selection


When you have inserted all your fields, you're ready for the merging.

3. Merging

  1. record selectionSelect the records you need:

  2. If you wish to select all records, click on the rectangle at the upper left corner of the table.
    Alternately, if you wish to select all the content of a field, you can click on the heading of the field.
    Finally, if you wish to select all fields of a record, click on the gray rectangle displayed to its right. A small arrow will be displayed and the record will be highlighted.
    To select records that are not consecutive, hold the CTRL key down while making your selections.

Now, you can do your merging.

On the Toolbar of the Beamer, the icon before the last displays some letters. Click on it to access the sorting tools:

Beamer Toolbar

You'll access the window below:

Mail Merge Window

There will be a file created for use with the records selected. You can name this file according to whichever field name of your data source.

Now the operation is terminated and the merging completed!

4. Tricks about the Mail Pagination

You may find It difficult, using this method, that your mail template be perfectly displayed. Are all names correctly contained in the lines you wish? Is there some space lacking in a field? How can you avoid blank lines, when some addresses only require one line while others require two lines? These are only a few of the questions that we'll answer below.

How can you control the pagination of your mail template?

You can display the records in your document before merging them.

To do so, look at the Toolbar of the Beamer :

Beamer Toolbar

The third icon from the right is called ‘Data to Fields’.

Select a record and click on the icon, the fields of your mail template will be filled with the selected record data.

You can repeat the action as many times as you need to control the pagination and to adjust your mail template so that all addresses are correctly displayed.

You don't need to select the records again after you have done your checks.

How to eliminate the blank address lines?

Let's say that in our template, the field ‘ADDRESS_2’ doesn't contain data in every record.

Place the cursor before the field ‘ADDRESS_2’ in your mail template. Press the key combination CTRL+F2 to open the fields dialog window.

Switch to the ‘Functions’ tab .


Select the field style ‘Hidden Paragraph’ and insert as Condition ‘not(field name)'. In our example it will be not(ADDRESS_2). Then click on the 'Insert' button to insert your function into the document.

5. Credits

Author : Sophie Gautier

Thanks : Richard Holt, great proof reader and OOo contributor

Intgr by : Gianluca Turconi

Last modified : February 16, 2002

Contacts : Documentation Project

Translation : Gianluca Turconi