About OpenOffice.org


OpenOffice.org is an office productivity suite whose source is licensed under the LGPL. The application is free to download from the OpenOffice.org website (http://www.openoffice.org), but may be sold: the licenses permit this. Sun Microsystems, Inc. is the copyright holder of the source as well as of key graphics, such as the banners and logo. In addition, other members of the community hold copyright over content found on the OpenOffice.org Project website.

We invite you to join our community if you are interested in working with the source to make derived products or products otherwise based on OpenOffice.org. Contact the Community Manager if you have any questions on derived products.

The OpenOffice.org Project welcomes the legitimate enterprise of EBay sellers of OpenOffice.org. If you wish to sell CDROMs of OpenOffice.org, we ask that you contact us; if you wish to use our graphics or any text found on www.openoffice.org, you must obtain our permission. Upon being contacted, we will review your site and, if it passes review, add you to our list of CDROM distributors (http://distribution.openoffice.org/cdrom/). Being so added will help your marketing. You will also be free then to list your site with EBay.

The CDROM Project hosts ISO images for your use and other OpenOffice.org projects, such as our Documentation Project, host documentation. We also list those offering support, either for free or for fee, from our Support Page.

If you have any questions, please contact our CDROM list, or the CDROM Distribution Lead, Alex Fisher.

For more information about OpenOffice.org, please see our About Us page.

For answers to common questions, see our FAQ, http://www.openoffice.org/faq.html.


The OpenOffice.org Project