:: com :: sun :: star :: xml ::

module sax

XAttributeList specifies an element's attributes.
XDTDHandler receives events according to the DTD of the document.
XDocumentHandler receives notification of general document events.
XEntityResolver makes it possible to modify the behaviour of resolving external preferences.
XErrorHandler is the basic interface for SAX error handlers.
XExtendedDocumentHandler this interface does not conform to the SAX-standard.
XFastAttributeList a container for the attributes of an xml element.
Attributes are seperated into known attributes and unknown attributes.
XFastContextHandler receives notification of sax document events from a XFastParser.
XFastDocumentHandler receives notification of sax document events from a XFastParser
XFastParser specifies a SAX parser that uses integer values for known xml names (elements, attributes and attribute values). The parser also handles namespaces and allows to have individual contexts for each xml element.
XFastSAXSerializable serializes a DOM tree by generating FastSAX events.
XFastSerializer receives notification of sax document events to write into an XOutputStream.
XFastShapeContextHandler receives notification of sax document events from a XFastParser.
XFastTokenHandler interface to translate xml strings to integer tokens.
XLocator makes it possible to associate a SAX event with a document location.
XParser specifies a SAX parser.
XSAXSerializable serializes a DOM tree by generating SAX events.
InputSource specifies the Datasource plus some additional information for the parser.
SAXException encapsulates the details of an XML parse error or warning.
SAXInvalidCharacterException stores information for locating the error in the original XML document.
SAXParseException stores information for locating the error in the original XML document.
Constant Groups
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