:: com :: sun :: star :: xml :: crypto ::

unpublished interface XCipherContextSupplier
Usage Restrictions
not published
This interface allows to get an object that allows to encrypt/decrypt data using the specified algorithm.
OOo 3.4

Methods' Summary
getCipherContext returns an object that allows to encrypt/decrypt data.  
Methods' Details
getCipherContext( [in] long  nCipherID,
[in] sequence< byte >  aKey,
[in] sequence< byte >  aInitializationVector,
[in] boolean  bEncryption,
[in] sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue >  aParams )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

returns an object that allows to encrypt/decrypt data.
Parameter nCipherID
the internal ID specifying the algorithm, should take value from CipherID
Parameter aKey
the key that should be used for the encryption
Parameter aInitializationVector
the initialization vector that should be used for the encryption
Parameter bEncryption
whether an encryption or decryption cipher should be created true - Encryption false - Decryption
Parameter aParams
optional parameters that could be used to initialize the cipher,
::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException one of provided arguments is illegal
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