:: com :: sun :: star :: xforms ::

unpublished service Binding
Usage Restrictions
not published
represent a binding to one or more nodes in the DOM tree of an XModel.

Included Services - Summary

allows the binding to act as value supplier for a form component (details)


allows the binding to act as source for list entries of form controls (details)

Exported Interfaces - Summary

allows external instances to observe the value represented by the binding (details)


allows the binding to act as validator for a form component (details)

Included Services - Details
allows the binding to act as value supplier for a form component
See also
allows the binding to act as source for list entries of form controls

If a binding is associated with more than one node in a DOM tree, it does not represent a single value, but a list of values. Using this interface, this list can be displayed in form control list and combo boxes.

Exported Interfaces - Details
allows external instances to observe the value represented by the binding

This interface is an optional part of the ::com::sun::star::form::binding::ValueBinding servce, but loses its optionality here.

allows the binding to act as validator for a form component
See also

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