:: com :: sun :: star :: uno ::

exception Exception
the base of all UNO exceptions

All exceptions defined in UNO idl should derive from this exception.

Developers Guide
ProUNO - C++ - Exception Handling in C++
ProUNO - Basic - Exception Handling
ProUNO - Java - Mapping of Exception Types
ProUNO - Bridge - Exceptions and Errorcodes
ProUNO - Exception Handling

Elements' Summary
Message gives a detailed description of the reason, why the exception was thrown.  
Context should contain a reference to the original, which raised the exception.  
Elements' Details
string Message;
gives a detailed description of the reason, why the exception was thrown.

The description should be as detailed as possible.

XInterface Context;
should contain a reference to the original, which raised the exception.

May be NULL.

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