:: com :: sun :: star :: ui :: dialogs ::

interface XFilePickerControlAccess
Base Interfaces

(referenced interface's summary:)
Specifies an interface for a FilePicker
Provides access to the controls of a FilePicker.

A FilePicker may contain additional elements according to the needs of the different applications. These additional elements can be addressed by this interface.

See also

Methods' Summary
setValue Set the value of an additional element within a FilePicker.  
getValue Get the value of an additional element within a FilePicker  
setLabel Set the label of the specified element. If the specified element doesn't support setting a label, this method has no effect.  
getLabel Returns the label of the specified element.  
enableControl Enables or disables a control.  
Methods' Details
setValue( [in] short  aControlId,
[in] short  aControlAction,
[in] any  aValue );

Set the value of an additional element within a FilePicker.
Parameter ControlId
Identifies the element which value is to be set.
Parameter aControlAction
Specifies an action to perform with the given value. aControlAction has to be one of the values defined in ControlActions. Not all of the values are valid for all controls. To add a new filter to the FilePicker use the interface XFilterManager, but optionally an implementation may also support adding new filter using this method.
Parameter aValue
The value to set. For checkboxes aValue should be a boolean value that should be true if the checkbox should be checked and false otherwise.
See also
CommonFilePickerElementIds, ExtendedFilePickerElementIds, ControlActions
getValue( [in] short  aControlId,
[in] short  aControlAction );

Get the value of an additional element within a FilePicker
Parameter aControlId
Identifies the element for which value is requested.
Parameter aControlAction
Specifies which value to retrieve. aControlAction has to be one of the values defined in ControlActions. Not all of the values are valid for all controls.
The value of the specified element. If the specified control is a checkbox the returned value is a boolean that is true if the checkbox is checked false otherwise. If the specified element doesn't exist or the specified element doesn't support the specidfied control action an empty any will be returned.
See also
CommonFilePickerElementIds, ExtendedFilePickerElementIds, ControlActions
setLabel( [in] short  aControlId,
[in] string  aLabel );

Set the label of the specified element. If the specified element doesn't support setting a label, this method has no effect.
Parameter aControlId
Identifies the element for which the label should be set.
Parameter aLabel
The label to be set.
See also
CommonFilePickerElementIds, ExtendedFilePickerElementIds
getLabel( [in] short  aControlId );

Returns the label of the specified element.
Parameter aControlId
Identifies the element for which the label should be returned.
The label of the specified element or an empty string if the specified element has no or supports no label or the specified element doesn't exist.
See also
CommonFilePickerElementIds, ExtendedFilePickerElementIds
enableControl( [in] short  aControlId,
[in] boolean  bEnable );

Enables or disables a control.
Parameter ControlId
Identifies the control.
Parameter bEnable

If true the specified control will be enabled.

If false the specified control will be disabled.

See also
CommonFilePickerElementIds, ExtendedFilePickerElementIds
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