:: com :: sun :: star :: ui ::

unpublished interface XUIConfigurationStorage
Usage Restrictions
not published
supplies functions to change or get information about the storage of a user interface configuration manager.
OOo 2.0

Methods' Summary
setStorage connects a storage to the user interface configuration manager which is used on subsequent calls of load and store.  
hasStorage checks if an instance has already a storage to load/store its data.  
Methods' Details
setStorage( [in] ::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage  Storage );

connects a storage to the user interface configuration manager which is used on subsequent calls of load and store.
Parameter Storage
all configuration data is loaded/stored from/into this storage. If the storage is in read/write mode load and store can be used otherwise only load is possible.

This call needs careful usage as data loss can occur. If the implementation has modified data and a new storage is set the implementation is not allowed to write back the data to the old storage. This must be done explicitly with store. In general a user interface configuration manager instance is created and initialize by the document model or the module user interface configuration supplier. Normally there is no need to set a storage for a user interface configuration manager. If a copy of the configuration data to another storage should be made, use storeToStorage.


checks if an instance has already a storage to load/store its data.
true if the instance has a storage otherwise false.
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