:: com :: sun :: star :: text ::

service TextEmbeddedObjects
provides access to all embedded objects in a document.

Exported Interfaces - Summary

This interface makes it possible to access all TextEmbeddedObject instances within this context (e.g. a document) by its name. (details)


This interface makes it possible to access all TextEmbeddedObject instances within this context (e.g. a document) by its index. (details)

Exported Interfaces - Details
This interface makes it possible to access all TextEmbeddedObject instances within this context (e.g. a document) by its name.

The type of the interfaces returned by this collection is always "XTextContent".

This interface makes it possible to access all TextEmbeddedObject instances within this context (e.g. a document) by its index.

The type of the interfaces returned by this collection is always "XTextContent".

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