:: com :: sun :: star :: text ::

service Paragraph
is a piece of text which can take its own paragraph-specific attributes (technically, properties).
Developers Guide
Text - Iterating over Text
Text - Formatting

Included Services - Summary

This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range (details)


This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range (details)


This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range (details)


This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range (details)


This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range (details)


This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range (details)


This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text table (details)

(referenced entity's summary:)
is an object which can be anchored in a text, like instances of TextFrame or TextField.
Exported Interfaces - Summary

This interface gives access to the properties of the paragraph itself (or its style sheet). So this interface may show property values which are not valid for any of the text portions of the paragraph, if the text itself has its own style properties set.


This interface gives access to the state of the property values in these properties. So, it is possible to determine if a specific properties value is defined in the paragraph or its style sheet.


This interface enumerates the text portions of this paragraph. (details)


gives access to a sequence of properties. (details)

Included Services - Details
Usage Restrictions
This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range
Usage Restrictions
This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range
Usage Restrictions
This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range
Usage Restrictions
This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range
Usage Restrictions
This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range
Usage Restrictions
This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text range
Usage Restrictions
This service is present when the paragraph object refers to a text table
(referenced entity's summary:)
is an object which can be anchored in a text, like instances of TextFrame or TextField.
Exported Interfaces - Details
This interface gives access to the properties of the paragraph itself (or its style sheet). So this interface may show property values which are not valid for any of the text portions of the paragraph, if the text itself has its own style properties set.
This interface gives access to the state of the property values in these properties. So, it is possible to determine if a specific properties value is defined in the paragraph or its style sheet.
This interface enumerates the text portions of this paragraph.

A text portion is defined as the largest possible TextRange within a paragraph with the same property values and the same bound objects.

In general this interface is used for exporting into file formats.

See also
TextRange, TextRange
Usage Restrictions
gives access to a sequence of properties.
OOo 2.0

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