:: com :: sun :: star :: task ::

unpublished exception FutureDocumentVersionProductUpdateRequest
Base Hierarchy
    ┗ ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception
Usage Restrictions
not published
describes a request to the user to update OpenOffice.org to a newer version, since an ODF document was encountered which conforms to an ODF version unknown to the current OpenOffice.org version.

An interaction request of this type usually comes with an XInteractionApprove, and XInteractionDisapprove, and XInteractionAskLater continuation.

Elements' Summary
DocumentURL specifies the URL of the document which conforms to a future ODF version 
DocumentODFVersion the ODF version which the document conforms to  
Elements' Details
string DocumentURL;
specifies the URL of the document which conforms to a future ODF version
string DocumentODFVersion;
the ODF version which the document conforms to

If the request was not issued because of a too-new ODF version of the document, but because the application detected by other means that the document was too-new, then DocumentODFVersion is allowed to be empty

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