:: com :: sun :: star :: sdb :: application ::

unpublished interface XCopyTableListener
Base Interfaces
┗ ::com::sun::star::lang::XEventListener

(referenced interface's summary:)
base interface for all event listeners interfaces.
Usage Restrictions
not published
specifies the interface required to listen for progress in copying table rows via a CopyTableWizard.
See also
CopyTableRowEvent, CopyTableWizard

Methods' Summary
copyingRow is called when a row is about to be copied.  
copiedRow is called when a row was successfully copied.  
copyRowError is called when copying a row failed.  
Methods' Details
copyingRow( [in] CopyTableRowEvent  Event );

is called when a row is about to be copied.

This method is called immediately before a row is copied. It might be used, for instance, to update a progress indicator.

Parameter Event
describes the current state of the copy operation. CopyTableRowEvent::SourceData is positioned at the row which is about to be copied.
copiedRow( [in] CopyTableRowEvent  Event );

is called when a row was successfully copied.

This method is called right after a row has been successfully copied. It might be used, for instance, to update a progress indicator.

Parameter Event
describes the current state of the copy operation. CopyTableRowEvent::SourceData is positioned at the row which was just copied to the target database.
copyRowError( [in] CopyTableRowEvent  Event );

is called when copying a row failed.
Parameter Event
describes the current state of the copy operation. CopyTableRowEvent::SourceData is positioned at the row which was attempted to be copied to the target database. CopyTableRowEvent::Error will contain the actual error which happened.
how to continue with copying. Must be one of the CopyTableContinuation constants.
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