:: com :: sun :: star :: sdb ::

interface XDocumentDataSource
simplifies the accessing of data sources and their corresponding database document.

The interface can be used to access the data source of the database document.

See also

Attributes' Summary
DatabaseDocument provides access to the one and only OfficeDatabaseDocument which the data source is based on.  
Attributes' Details
[ readonly ] XOfficeDatabaseDocument DatabaseDocument;
provides access to the one and only OfficeDatabaseDocument which the data source is based on.

The component returned by this attribute is an OfficeDatabaseDocument.

Though there is a 1-to-1 relationship between database documents and data sources, each of the two can exist without its counterpart, but create this counterpart on request only. As a consequence, the document obtained via this attribute might be newly created, which implies that the caller is now responsible for it. In particular, the caller is responsible for calling ::com::sun::star::util::XCloseable::close on the document as soon as it's not needed anymore.

Additionally, if the caller does long-lasting processing on the document, it's advised to add itself as ::com::sun::star::util::XCloseListener to the document, to prevent closing as long as the processing lasts.

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